Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2017

Recap of 2016 Resolution

1. Finish the theory semesters - with a good score.  yes, I finished the theory semesters, not so good score though, anyways it's finished!
2. Do internship for 6 months. Well, for some reasons, I need to skip the internship to 2017. I got a place already ;)
3. Visit at least 2 new countries and 2 new cities.  I visited Alkmaar, Leiden, Erfurt, and Loccum. But they are in the Netherlands and in Germany. 
4. Keep saving money for travelling and car. I was lucky this year to have people who paid my trip, hihihi. No car still.
5. Do more sport and learn martial arts, this is serious! (I actually think of learning ballet, but as the number of refugees increased, maybe for now martial art is more important). Yes, I learned taekwondo! Hope to be able to continue it this year tho.

Wish me luck! :)