Dienstag, 25. Oktober 2011

Hey, Süße!!

That is Isabell , when I visited Rita last summer.

Good girl, she is growing up so fast. She is so damn cuuuuuutttteeeeeeeeeee :D :D

I will have one as well someday :)

Montag, 24. Oktober 2011

Don't worry being random ;)

Taken from Yuke Adora's blog.
So if your kurang kerjaan mode is ON,BOLD
what applies to you:

01. You’re currently confused about someone’s feelings for you.

02. You have been in a serious relationship before.
03. You own an iPod of some sort.
04. You do not like your sibling’s girlfriend/boyfriend.
05. You drink too much alcohol.
06. You have been to the Olive Garden.
07. You have taken medicine of some sort this week.
08. It is really cold in your house right now.
09. You are extremely dependent on others.
10. You do not like to express your feelings in front of others.
11. You ate a lot of food today.
12. It doesn’t take much for you to cry.
13. People consider you as a happy sort of person.
14. Someone in your family is rich.
15. You have been to Disney World or Disneyland before.
16. You hate when people constantly talk about themselves.
17. You are a good listener, but you hate complainers.
18. Someone has called you for a serious medical emergency before.
19. You have had a serious surgery.
20. Your house has a spare bedroom.
21. Your house is old.
22. You have at least one cousin under the age of three.
23. You have never held a baby before.
24. You can’t handle toddlers.
25. You have a painting in your room.(well actually I painted my room by myself)
26. You have been to Canada.
27. You have been to Mexico.
28. You love cherry flavored lollipops.
29. You celebrate Easter.
30. You observe Lent.
31. You are Catholic.
32. You do not believe in God.
33. Religion is not important to you.
34. You want to have a small family one day.
35. You would rather have more sons than daughters.
36. You have more aunts than uncles.
37. You hate being too cold.
38. You currently are way tanner than everyone else. (BANGET)
39. You wear shoes in your house.
40. Your parents are clean freaks.
41. You are more messy than clean.
42. You are currently angry at someone.
43. Patience is so not a virtue to you.
44. Your desk is extremely clean.
45. Your bed sheets are either blue, green, black, or white.
46. When you hear “black & white” it reminds you of Katy Perry’s ‘Hot n Cold’ song.
47. You have no clue what that song is.
48. You think rap artists are completely pathetic.
49. You are glad George Bush is out of office.
50. Politics are boring to you.
51. You take a vitamin daily.
52. You feel like you are sick often.
53. You hate throwing up.
54. You think it’s gross when people set food down on their desk at school with no napkin.
55. You also find it gross that people sit on top of desks.
56. You are now cringing at the thought of someone’s food where someone’s ass was.
57. You love getting bubble baths.
58. You do not like chocolate at all.
59. You are allergic to nuts.
60. You have been stung by a bee before.
61. You have been to the emergency room before for something.
62. One of your parents is 50 or older.
63. You are the baby of your immediate family.
64. You hate broccoli.
65. Cooked carrots are good, though.
66. You go on tumblr too much.
67. You are really comfortable right now.
68. You like witty t-shirts.
69. You are a major fan of underground bands.
70. You have been on an airplane before.
71. You are not afraid of heights.
72. You consider yourself paranoid.
73. You have had a panic attack before.
74. The thought of being old and alone bothers you.
75. You would choose the elderly over children.
76. You feel like you’re living in the wrong decade.
77. You like the color green.
78. You think it’s way too cold outside right now.
79. You love the thought of sleeping in tomorrow morning.
80. You would rather go to bed early and get up early.
81. You feel like the early bird catches the worm.
82. You are a big breakfast eater.
83. You are currently suffering from the common cold.
84. You are craving something salty.
85. You have been in a car today.
86. There is something plugged in near you.
87. You have heard of the TV show “Private Practice.”
88. You do not like medical television shows.
89. You prefer horror to comedies.
90. You adore Leo & Kate.
91. You think high-waisted pants look good.
92. You hate cheesy movies.
93. You enjoy camping out.
94. Bugs bother you.
95. You do well in school without trying.
96. You are extremely jealous of someone currently.
97. You feel like you have changed a lot from 08-09.
98. You like energy drinks.
99. You like italics.
100. You know the entire script of Mean Girls.

Thank you, Yuke :p

Samstag, 22. Oktober 2011

Bye- bye Scholarship

Dear God,

I lost my chance to get scholarship AGAIN and as usual I don't even know the reason. It was just so embrassing, God. I don't know.... I feel..... sad... embrassed..... or just okay. I don't know. I don't even know, to whom I can speak about this. Well, I told mom already, but I don't actually like to tell her bad news.

This time was better than the first one at least when I remembered that the participants weren't only from my department and my semester, but also the other departments in FH Aachen (well,FH Aachen has 10 departments). I was noted my self that average score 1,8 is not good enough to honour a scholar, even though I know that most of the students haven't reached 60 credits until the second semester and I got 65 already. Well yah.. Hundreds or thousand applicants. no wonder.

But then I recalled the time in Linnich. That was so embrassing. I was quite sure that I will get at least one of that scholarship, as all people told me that I could still get scholarship at the end of freshmen year, but it was not. I was waiting to be called. My face turned red, that I wasn't on the list. I cried the whole night and moved on the next day to Jülich. You remember that, don't you, God?

I'm not loosing my faith in You, God. I don't want to blame you. just give me your strength to face all of these situations, God. Please lead me on Your way and not my way. I believe that you're preparing something more beautiful in Your time :') just give me strength. Strength.

Montag, 17. Oktober 2011


He is so low-profile, has lots of friends, active,and down to earth.
I found him soooo....


I hope I (don't) love him :(

Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011

Ketika Part Time jadi Salah Kaprah..

Post singkat, renungan singkat mungkin.

Kemarin malem saya telpon2an dengan sahabat saya, Eca. Dia cerita tentang kegalauan dia hari itu. dan akhirnya sampai pd cerita ada temannya yang diD.O setelah gagal ujian lisan (dlm bbrp kasus ujian lisan di Jerman berarti remediasi ke 3). Gagal berarti pulang atau cari uni baru. Tapi nasib kalau anak itu kuliahnya sudah di University of applied science, krn chance 'back for good'nya jauh lebih besar ktimbang dpt bangku di tempat lain.

Eca cerita kemungkinan2 yg membuat anak ini gagal ujiannya. Kerja part time kebanyakan.
Ini yang sangat disayangkan. Kalau seorang calon student memutuskan untuk kuliah di Jerman dengan alasan bisa sambil part time, maka PADA UMUMNYA kuliahnya ga beres.

Lalu hobi orang Indonesia nih kalo liburan panjang, jd buruh di pabrik, ntah pabrik apa. Gajinya lumayan, 2xnya gaji gw di uni. dengan basis, ga bayar pajak pula. kalo hoki, lw kerja full sbulan, lw dpt gajinya tiga bulan. which is kl dtotal,lebih besar dr gaji gw 6 bulan. asik kan? bisa kerja dan menghasilkan uang sendiri? Banyak student sayangnya setelah itu ga kuat iman dan kehilangan orientasi. Di sini, kuliah menjadi kalah prioritas dgn kerja. Ga mau lagi dibiayain ortu. Akhirnya kuliahnya keteteran, ga kelar2 dan kena DO. sayang kan?

Memang ada beberapa orang yang orang tuanya kurang mampu untuk membiayai. Kalo begini, kesulitan nomor satu adalah pas mau perpanjang visa. Lalu mereka cari kerja untuk menutupi biaya hidup di Jerman. Susah, Teman. Saya tau kesulitan mereka, tp menurut saya ada cara lain kok untuk bisa tetap fokus kuliah. Misalnya beasiswa. DAAD emang ga punya beasiswa untuk bachelor, tp misalnya KHG/KSG, atau lembaga lain di bawah uni, ada aja yg punya tabungan untuk anak2 yg emang kurang mampu. Tinggal gimana caranya teman2 membuktikan, uang boleh kurang, tp otak HARUS berisi. Kali ini saya lebih setuju dengan Frans Mandeko: lebih cepet selesaiin kuliah lebih baik. Mau tau kenapa? Makin cepat lulus berarti juga semakin sedikit biaya hidup yg lw butuhkan, setelah itu kita bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan yg jauh lebih layak daripada jadi buruh, dgn gaji minimal 3x gaji buruh.

Saya tau ada yang pro dan kontra dengan pandangan ini. Saya pun bersyukur karena ayah saya masih bisa membiayai kuliah saya. Dan beruntung juga saya masih bisa mendapatkan kerja tetap di FH. Sekali lagi, ga ada yg salah dengan bekerja, selama seorang student msh tetap dalam orientasinya. Seorang student prioritas utamanya belajar. Jangan juga menyindir2 orang yg ga jadi kuli selama liburan dong. Kok sirik amat orang lain pny nasib baik...

Montag, 3. Oktober 2011

Papstbesuch 2011 in Freiburg

Cheese, Papst! (foto: Kristanto Irawan Putra)

Boaahh,, endlich mal Zeit, was zu schreiben, ey! Diese Woche war so stressig im Büro wegen des Semesteranfangs und ich hatte kein Internet! doll! Und die Oma machte mich echt fertig. Ich bedauere mich, dass ich ihnen eine andere Indonesierin vorgestellt habe. Ich meine ernst. Das tue ich nie wieder. Anjrit lah ya, yg bikin salah siapa, kenapa gw yg kena semprot! verdaaammmtt :'(

Also geht's wieder um die Überschrift. Der Papst war am 24.-25. September in Freiburg. Als Helferin bin ich da seit 23. bereit gewesen. Die Katholische Indonesische Studentengemeinde hat es für unsere Gemeinde mitorganisiert.
Unser Einsatzbereich war erst am 25. September ab 4 Uhr bis 13 Uhr am Flugplatz bei der heiligen Messe.

Da wir am Freitag frei hatten, gingen wir spazieren und essen. Es gab da ein italienisches Restaurant, das
preiswerte Gerichte anbietet. Ein Lasagna mit voller Käse kostete nur 4,50€. In der Nähe aß ich auch die spezielle Eissahne Freiburgs. Warum machst die Eissahne so besonders? Weil die Eissahne den Geschmack Papst Benedikt XVI hat!! :D

Die Stadt Freiburg ist nach meiner Meinung eine schöne nette Stadt, wo man sich in der verlieben kann, genauso wie Heidelberg. Die Stadt macht auch schöne Atmosphäre für das Studieren und es gibt nicht so viele Indonesier da. Eigentlich gut wenn man schnell Deutsch lernen möchte, aber die Dialekt ist da auch so stark. Man hätte ja schlechtes Verständnis, wenn man sich nicht daran gewöhnt.

Ähm, am Samstag warteten wir 4 Stunden auf den Papst beim Stadteinzug.

Foto: Kristanto Irawan Putra

Das war aber schlecht und Pech, weil der Papst mit Auto so schnell fuhr. Er hielt sogar nicht länger als 10 Sekunden. Ok, wir durften uns aber nicht aufgegeben. Am Abend warteten wir genauso lang vor dem Jugendvigil.
Das war aber eine schöne Veranstaltung. Vor mir stand eine Ministrantin, die ein T-Shirt: Minis sind Leute, die Dampf machen trug. Ach,Ich vermisse wirklich meine Kirche :') Um 21:30 Uhr gingen wir wieder ins St.Ursula Gymnasium zurück. Es gab leider keine Straßenbahn mehr, und für den nächsten Tag auch. Das war am schlimmsten, wir sind insgesamt 3 Stunden zu Fuß gegangen-

Am Sonntag um 3 Uhr. Die Sonne ging noch gar nicht auf. Wir sind schon mal los gegangen. Das war noch so kalt (11°C). Foto: Kristanto Irawan Putra

Wisst ihr was ich denn da machen musste? Ich musste mit Veronika (aus Polen) und Boris (aus Burgoundy) ein Schild fest halten. Darauf stand "Ministranten bitte hier melden", wobei sich die Ministranten verwirrenten. Aber wir mussten ihnen nur den Weg zeigen, wo alle Ministranten versammelt wurden. Ach ja, wie man so stolz sein kann, als Ministranten des Papst dienen zu können. bin so neidisch :')