Mittwoch, 31. Juli 2013

#6 My View About Mainstream Music

Mainstream music denotes music that is familiar to the masses, as for example popular musicpop musicmiddle of the road music, pop rap or pop rock (Wikipedia)
 Why not? This is the easiest music to find, isn't? Some of them become my fave as well, although I'm actually a fans of musical songs. I don't mind hearing them, although in most cases I'm not so up-to-date with those songs. But like some old indonesian song (00's), I knew most of them, with text, and it is an advantage here, because in German we still love to sing it together and we're not to up-to-date with every single new pop song, except they are controversial :P

Dienstag, 30. Juli 2013

#5 Things I want to say to my ex

"Are you graduated already?"
"You will let me having a new boyfriend,won't you? Please, I'm sick of being broken hearted, again :( "

#4 Bullet My Whole Day

I decide to write this post after the days end.

  • I know I woke up a little bit too early at 5:30 a.m. 
  • Didn't know what to do, I cooked oseng tempe and boiled the chicken. And I made a holland cake: arretjes cake from 6:30
  • Took a shower at 9:30
  • Dressed up and rushed to Andreas' place at 10:25
  • Woke Andreas up at 10:30
  • Rode to church
  • Lunch
  • Worked on my presentation
  • Played keyboard and guitar
  • Mobbed the floor
  • Took my mags from Darwin
  • Went to Cologne with Darwin, picked up Galih
  • Dining in KFC
  • Watched Lindenstraße. hahah
  • sleep
Gosh :)

Sonntag, 28. Juli 2013

Night Prayer

Dear Lord,

I pray, that I may graduate soon and earn good enough money for the daily life, the family, to travel around and watch some broadway epics.


Samstag, 27. Juli 2013

#3 A Book I Love

Good books are books which you won't close before you finished reading those.
Dewi Dee/Dewi Lestari's novel Perahu Kertas is one of them.
Well maybe I'm just like common girls who daydreaming if someday I may a true love like that,
but I love this novel, not because it's similar to my love story (not at all and I'm not hoping that mine will look like that neither).
It is the way Dewi Dee telling and bring me to a fully imagination.
The plot is creative and details. This love story is just out of the box.
It's just worth it to read her novels :) Enjoy!

Freitag, 26. Juli 2013

#2 Something I Feel Strongly About

Hwoo.. This is more difficult than I thought.

There are 2 things I feel strongly about:
1. Indonesian's view to deal with study in German
2. People's view on divorce.

I'd just choose the first topic. The second topic, can be re-read on my posting "Marriage".

If you don't know this sad fact that more 50% of indonesian students don't or didn't finish their study in German. There are thousand reasons if you ask them, but trully this is sad.

In comparison to Indonesia, students here have freedom to take a part time job beside their study. Unfortunatelly, some Indonesian, who start doing this, start to forget their study as well and they become an immortal student. Just because they're thinking, study in German is cheap or to say free.

Tja, that's stupid. In fact, the germans paid for our study like 8000€ pro semester pro student.

How can they keep on delaying their study and keep up earning money like that?
8000€ is A LOT of money. Germans, they might doing this on purpose: to make a good bilateral relation between Indonesia and Germany, but what did several Indonesian students, are a shame for our country.

Well I could accept some reason, if their IQ is below normal or their parents' aren't able to support them financially. But I guess, none of them has such low IQ. They should just keep on their hard work on study, not giving up, a li'l bit concentration, a li'l bit of prayer, not partying or shopping too much (except if he/she is clever and rich enough), not spending the whole study time working in fabrics.

Guys, trust me, you can earn much better, after you graduate the uni. If you don't, at least, your level is already much better than the work you have now. So my advice: finish your study as soon as you can. You, guys, can basically speak german better than me (because I didn't learn german that much before I came here), so you believe, you can do it!! Good luck, vellas :)

Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2013

#1 Five Ways To Win My Heart

1. Be neat, fragrant and clean
I guess it's quite normal to decide wheather to love people or not from their "look". For me, a man looks good if he is fragrant (which means that he takes a bath regularly), the clothes are ironed or at least look like they are ironed. Being modist is not number one, as I'm not that modist as well. But he has to dress up properly. Educated.

2. Don't smoke (better also don't drink too much)
Automatically a plus point :) and go to church! Perfecto!

3. Gentleman
Gentleman means to guard his woman. I'll know for sure that he will not let me alone and makes me feel secured.

4. Teacher's charm
Patient in explaining something and he's not using bad words in daily talks. A little bit of charm when he's talking in public and convincing people. Perfect :) I would absolutely fall in love with this kind of guy.

5. Have a dream
I love men, who know where they have to go, what they have to do to reach their dreams. My feeling to support them, can always pop up, and it's horrible. I tell you, that's horrible. But not as horrible as falling in love with people without dreams.

These are the first five points, how I start fall in love with somebody. I have another list, but these my simple points deciding myself to fall in love with him or not :)

30 Day Challenge

I read my senior's posting about 30 day challenge aaannd... I think it's offering interesting topics. So, I'll take the challenge!

Into the blue

If you love somebody, then tell him that you love him/her.

Montag, 22. Juli 2013

Skripsi oh skripsi

Dear my bachelor thesis,

Why are you growing now? I thought I have finished writing you.. You shouldn't grow that much.
Well I'll check you page by page.. Just be patient. I might be able to turn you back to your normal size.
32 pages to go.


P.S: Thanks a lot to Gregor who made time correcting my thesis and sat with me yesterday for 6,5 hours. Seriously, I feel so blessed :) I'll give you my super great big hugs when this is over :)

Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2013


Tiba2 kepikiran buat ikutan pindah ke Hannover dan gimana caranya supaya kita bisa tinggal brg. Tapi oh tapi.. Ga kebayang kalo ditolak.

Yang jelas, 
gw ga mau patah hati dua kali di kota ini.

Dienstag, 16. Juli 2013

Sonntag, 14. Juli 2013

Rafting: Gegen Mamas Willen Teil I

Eine Fahrt mit dem INCAS Jülich :) Es hat mir wirklich Spaß gemacht, obwohl ich blöderweise Beulen hier und da kriege (vor allem da ich mit dem Paddel 2 Mal geschlagen bin, von jedem eine Beule). Alle Fotos gehören Jefrem (von INCAS).
Das Anfang
Der Kampf beginnt!

In den Busch
Happy faces though :)
So, wie der Titel sagte, gibt es den 2.Teil.. in 2 Wochen :) Warte mal ab!

Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013

Berdua Pas 10.000

Haha.. Menjelang ramadhan, yang melintas di otak gw tiba-tiba iklan KFC

"Berdua indahnya, berdua pas 10.000" :P

Cocok jadi judul tulisan gw hari ini, hyahahaha.
Jadi ceritanya hari ini mengawali pekan dengan hari Senin (ya iyalah) yang super duper panas, dengan naik sepeda jam 7.40 dengan hati super deg2an karena semalem harusnya belajar, malah tidur -.-

Iya, gw ada klausur hari ini. Plus hari ini ada project meeting, in which gw cuma mesti bantuin masalah logistik und sollte ja auch gar nicht dabei sein. Also good so. Jadi gw, supervisor gw, dan Andreas tadi pagi dateng jam 8 kurang buat nyiapin teh, kopi, snack, dan MOCKTAIL (=cocktail non alkohol).

Akhir cerita, segala kesibukan itu selesai tepat waktu jam 9 (yah lewat2 dikit). Mereka mulai meeting, pintu ditutup, kami (berdua) harus beres2 dapurnya. Jooo pintu dapur ditutup. Mari bersulaaaaannggg!!!

We drank the rest of the cocktail. Lengkap sama jus orange n nanas n ekstrakt jeruk nipis n grenadine. Hiasan  potongan jeruk nipisnya jg ga ketinggalan. Cuma payungnya ga kita pake.  Diem2 sampai geli sendiri. Hahaha. Prost!! ;)

Kocak sih hari ini. Basically karena cuma kita berdua yang bantuin si supervisor ini. Dengan kejadian pas gw lg makan di mensa, ngliat Andreas ngebut pake mobil (pas pula gw liat). Gw dengan super sok taunya ngira Andreas musti ke pemadam kebakaran. Padahal dia beli kue buat snack time meetingnya!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha. O god. Lama bgt beli kue. Hhahaa. Sotoy ya dita..

Kami berdua: penunggu dapur hari ini :) Pak supervisor, sering2 aja rapat di kampus. Gapapa kok. Hahahahaha.

Udah yaaa.. Ada yg minta dimanjain nih. (baca:skripsi gw). Rabu mau kasih ke Gregor. huaaaaaaaaaa *stress*

Sonntag, 7. Juli 2013

Women vs Apples

Nandea sent me this message on whatsapp. I'm just rewriting it:

"Women are like apples on a tree. The best ones are at the top of the tree. Men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy. So the apples on the top think something is wrong with them. In reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along, the one who is brave enough to climb all the way to the top."


Samstag, 6. Juli 2013


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Ah, doch noch was..

Ich hab noch ein paar Sachen zu erzählen.

Bin letzten Montag in Ohnmacht gefallen. Schon peinlich genug dass das im Tutorium passierte. Gott sei dank, dass mir von vielen geholfen wurde,danke :) Diesen Montag war ich doch wieder fit im Tutorium, aber, wenn man es merkt, habe ich das Tutorium ziemlich schnell gemacht. Mir ging's hinter dem OHP wieder übel. Hatte Kopfschmerzen, wollte irgendwie übergeben. Schlecht. Noch traumatisch anscheinend. :(

Mit der Arbeit bin ich auch ziemlich langsam voran. Aber doch schon paar Neuigkeiten :)
Abgabetermin von Gregor: 10.Juli
Abgabetermin  von Peterli: 26.Juli
Abgabetermin Prüfungsamt: 7.August
Kolloquium: 9.August


und am Montag ist EnEx Meeting in Jülich ;)


So nenne ich diesen ersten Freitag des Monats, insbesondere Herz Jesu Freitag. Ursprunglich kommt das Wort von der indonesischen Sprache "Jumat Pertama", abgekurzt "Jumper". 

Ich liebe es irgendwie, an dem Tag zur Kirche zu gehen, ist einfach ruhiger als sonst. Ich kann beten, so lange ich weiß und habe das Gefühl, dass Gott das hört. Am Sonntag ist es meistens nicht der Fall.

Nach allem was mir passierte, habe ich im Moment das Gefühl dass ich Gott fern bin. Umgekehrt wird ja kaum passieren, glaube ich zumindest so. Ich habe mir zu viel Sorge gemacht um alles was noch nicht passiert ist. Und das nervt mich einfach. Das mit der Wohnung, mit der Bachelorarbeit, mit dem Kolloquium, mit dem Job, und mit der Liebe, die immer wieder nicht so wie ich gehofft habe :( Dass ich mich in jemanden verliebe, er sich in mich aber nicht. Oder er merkt nicht. Oder diesmal anscheinend doch er will nicht. Das kann ich immer noch nicht glauben und nicht akzeptieren. Das ist das Problem. 

Mir ist heute Gott begegnen. Ich habe an Gott gebetet,dass er es mir beibringt, jenes leicht zu nehmen und zu akzeptieren. Egal wie schwer ist es. 

Ich glaube, er hört's :)