Donnerstag, 25. Juli 2013

#1 Five Ways To Win My Heart

1. Be neat, fragrant and clean
I guess it's quite normal to decide wheather to love people or not from their "look". For me, a man looks good if he is fragrant (which means that he takes a bath regularly), the clothes are ironed or at least look like they are ironed. Being modist is not number one, as I'm not that modist as well. But he has to dress up properly. Educated.

2. Don't smoke (better also don't drink too much)
Automatically a plus point :) and go to church! Perfecto!

3. Gentleman
Gentleman means to guard his woman. I'll know for sure that he will not let me alone and makes me feel secured.

4. Teacher's charm
Patient in explaining something and he's not using bad words in daily talks. A little bit of charm when he's talking in public and convincing people. Perfect :) I would absolutely fall in love with this kind of guy.

5. Have a dream
I love men, who know where they have to go, what they have to do to reach their dreams. My feeling to support them, can always pop up, and it's horrible. I tell you, that's horrible. But not as horrible as falling in love with people without dreams.

These are the first five points, how I start fall in love with somebody. I have another list, but these my simple points deciding myself to fall in love with him or not :)

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