Donnerstag, 28. März 2013

Einen Tag Fußballfans werden!!

This event is supported by Jülich as the first part of my project for KSG-Scholarship :
watching football live in TIVOLI Stadion: FC Alemannia vs FC Heidenheim
Saturday, April 27th 2013, 14 o'clock
Entrance fee: 19€

Like to join? Don't be hestitate! Register yourself to until April 12th.

Sonntag, 24. März 2013

Pemadam kebakaran

Me  : "Mami, doi ternyata pemadam kebakaran lho, hihihi, unik ya..."
Mami : "Pemadam kebakaran apa maksudnya? Api cinta? Hahahhaa..."
Me  : -_____-

Kecap manis...

Udah lama ga nulis pake bahasa Indonesia. hehehe.. Berhubung gw lagi mau ngomongin orang, jadi pake bahasa aja yah :P

Mulai dari bulan yang lalu, gw memulai projek tugas akhir gw di salah satu labor di kampus. Kebetulan mereka lagi punya topik yang sesuai sama minat gw, jadi akhirnya mereka menerima gw. hehehe. It was a big big big, huge blessing, you know! Gw rasa semua emang udah disiapkan jalannya sama yang di atas. Gw dapat pembimbing yang gw udah kenal dari studkol, karena dia bekas guru fisika gw. Super pinter dan orangnya asik. Oh ya trus atmosfer labnya bisa bikin lw betah kerja dalam waktu seminggu saja. aseeeekkk..

Ada satu orang yang menarik perhatian gw. Tadinya gw selalu duduk di belakang dia. Sekarang gw pindah ke sebelahnya. Asooooyyy.hahaha. Pertama kenal udah berasa banget auranya aura pegawai, ga taunya sebenernya masih nulis skripsi dia, tp pengalamannya bejibun dan udah dimasukin dalam jajaran pegawai. Pinter yah. Orangnya kalem, dewasa, kalo diliat, makin lama makin manis. *asik, kecap kali*

Mengandalkan faktor hoki, gw mengajak dia dateng ke kursus dansa dengan alasan: belakangan kebanyakan cewe, gw bete. Tadinya jawabannya ga pasti gitu lho, eh akhirnya orangnya dateng juga dan ternyata jago men, jago!! Dari discofox, jenis tarian yang menurut gw tadinya paling membosankan, sama dia jadi super asik, gw langsung terangkat gtu derajatnya. hahaha :) Sejak itu dia jadi partner dansa gw. Semoga tetap. *keep crossing fingers* Baru 3x sejauh ini. dan minggu depan udah libur lagi. huff.

Intinya gw tertarik sama dia. Berlanjutlah ke party FH setelah ujian. Gw emang pengen dateng sih, anggep aja sebagai perayaan atas ujian terakhir gw *semoga. dan untungnya ujian terakhir gw kemarin cukup lancar*. Jadi ceritanya gw abis ujian ajak dia ke party itu. Nah you know lah. Namanya party. Dari pengalaman gw dijodoh2in sm Thomas, kyna gw harus siap mabok. Jadi pertama2, siap uang karena bir mahal. Siap mental kalo sampe beneran mabok, everything could happen, ya gak? Sooo, dateng ke sana, ternyata oh ternyata dia pesen apa, Sodara-sodara? Cola! Yeah. Jadi gw jg ga perlu minum bir dan smpe jam 2 masih seger.

Oh ya, dulu Tomnya Telly bilang kalo cowo jerman mau nganterin cewe, berarti dia suka sama cewe itu. Belakangan gw sendiri merasa, kyna itu ga 100% bener sih.. Well let me list orang2 yang pernah nganter gw pulang naik mobil: 3 cewe, 5 cowo? Dari 5 orang itu 2 udah punya anak. Gw mengambil kesimpulan, memang masih banyak cowo jerman yang gentle bgt. TERMASUK si cowo labor gw ini!!

Baik bgt, banyak bgt persepsi gw yang salah ttg orang jerman, rasanya dipatahkan semua sama dia. Sopan banget. Gw dalam fase mengamati, sejauh ini kyna ajaran ortu dia sm ortu gw mirip. Dan gw merasa makin gw berusaha buat membuat dia tertarik dengan bertingkah aneh seperti memakai high heels, sok2an minum bir, malah hanya akan menjadi aneh di mata dia. I feel like, I just have to be myself when I'm near him. But it's still like a loooooonnngg long way to go. Walaupun buat gw dia perfek and though after all he has done, it doesn't mean that he likes me, and I quite noticed that. It's gonna be a loooonng looooooonnnggg way.

Oya satu lagi keunikannya. Dia ini orang pertama yang punya hobi jadi pemadam kebakaran. Denger cerita dia itu cuma bikin lagu tommy is a firefighter yang dulu pernah gw pelajarin pas les inggris mengiang-ngiang di kuping. Sayangnya youtube ga punya lagu itu dan gw jg udah sangat lupa.hahaha.

Mohon doanya lah, temans... Mami bilang "semoga semuanya indah pada waktuNya ya..." ;) hope so

Freitag, 22. März 2013


Yes my blog has finally an autoplay playlist again!! yuhu!!
Felt like totally so tired this week, don't know why. Somehow the events that I have waited for, seems can't be my mood booster. Working in the lab is still interesting as usual ;) Ah one more thing, I need to practice piano for saturday mass. Since I have no piano at home (read: no more money to buy), I went to the library before the dance class, because there is one piano standing unplayed. As long as I know, one can play as long as no lectures around. So I played. War richtig peinlich. Bin nach 5 Minuten rausgeschmießen worden. Ey, warum steht da überhaupt kein Schild, dass das Klavier nur zur Schönheit gedacht ist?? Wie schade. FH sollte es einfach mir schenken. Ich kann es gegen Blumen oder Baum tauschen, ist überhaupt kein Problem. So wird das Klavier wertvoll. Man man man!

Samstag, 16. März 2013

Rest in Peace, Mbahku Sayang...

How it is hard to let you go..
but by the time I saw you laying on that ICU bed with all the life-supporting pumps,
I couldn't let see you sick forever.
So let God do His best for you...

Thank you, Mbah,
for have known you,
for have loved you,
and have been loved by you..

Sorry that sometimes I didn't care,
for not call you and visit you during my school time,
for being so busy with friends and ignored you,
for my careless that I didn't wake up last time when you need me to go to the toilet..

It's not the money you gave that I love you,
it's just as simple as you are.
For you're so care, wise, and maternal.
Your smile, your laugh and even your smell.

Mbah, mbah belum lihat aku lulus jadi sarjana, sedikit lagi, Mbah :(
Dita belum bisa bikin mbah seneng...
Tapi Dita mesti relain Mbah pergi, Dita ga mau liat Mbah sakit terus...

If you meet Jesus and Grandpa up there, please greet them from me..
Enjoy the beauty of the heaven and the reunion with God.
Someday we'll meet again, Mbah..
Until then, you stay alive... in my heart and mind.

I love you

Party - Pesta - Pray

Party! I deserved it :) after the really last exam, which went pretty well - I guess hehehe-
Some people told me that they didn't expect me to be there. But I don't think it was strange, I always went somewhere right after exams (well, mostly. I remembered in the 2nd semester I flew back to Jakarta right after math exam, or just like last February I went directly to Greifswald at the night after Verfahrenstechnik) or just not in the mood (read: no friend to get there with).

So, let me introduce you these people
most of them are from the lab, where I'm doing my bachelor project.
Somebody is perfect ;) 10 out of 14 I guess
Keep praying for my grandma though. I did one turn rosary before went to the party (sorry Andreas to have kept you waiting). And everybody who read this, please send also your little prayer to Jesus for my grandma. She is laying now in the ICU. Sometimes love means, to let somebody go, no matter how hard it is.
Anyway, enough for now. It's now 2:37, I should take a bath, I smell like hell. Tschüssi!

Montag, 11. März 2013


Look what I found...
I can't remember that we have ever met... Did you?

Well, I hope I didn't do something stupid at the time.........

Forgiving and Letting Go

The chance was given from above to hold his hand tight,
... when the feeling is not there anymore.
But the sorrow that surrounding me the whole time,
coldness, anger that I thought he did have it on me...,
was suddenly dissapeared, for he is so warm.

I think, we're both just doing fine :)

For his strength and weakness, he's still my good friend :)

Donnerstag, 7. März 2013

I pray..

So Lord, please hear my prayer....

Let tomorrow will be a wonderful night and really2 hope that he doesn't have girlfriend yet.

Dienstag, 5. März 2013


Ich frag mich, was eigentlich mit meinem Fahrrad passiert :( :( :(
Noch paar Monate, mein liebes Fahrrad, du kannst bestimmt überleben!!
*und passiert jetzt was? -.-*

Montag, 4. März 2013

Jangan Berhenti Mencintaiku

This song was suddenly popped out of my head... An old song from one of the best indonesian diva, Titi DJ. 
I'll try to translate a li'l bit. The title is "Don't stop to love me"

Please don't you ever stop to love me,
even though the sun stops shining
Please don't you ever change even a lil bit
Cause I found bliss in your love

Random but sweet :)

Sonntag, 3. März 2013

The Meet Up

My best Friend, Theresia Austin (a.k.a Eca), who now studies in Darmstadt, came visit Cologne with her mom. I had the honor to be a tour guide for a day (although not a good one) but surely it was a nice cozy time. Nice wetter, nice chat and nice company! What do I need more? :) Thanks a lot to Eca and her Mom.. Have a nice and safe trip around Germany and Europe. Hope to see you again soon :))

So here are some photos! Have fun sight seeing :)

get off from the train in Cologne. Welcome :)

outside and inside the cathedral

Hohenzollernbrücke: Bridge of Love
Cologne from above :)
just married :)
 Cologne from Deutzer Side

Our lunch at Great Wall Restaurant, delicioso!
at Brauhaus, tried some (alcohol free) Kölsch Beer. Prost!
Cathedral at night

Samstag, 2. März 2013


Paraaaaahhh... Paraaaahhhhh....

Orang ini ganteng, manis bgt senyumnya, tinggi, baik hati, rapi, bisa (dan jago men!) dansa, dan wangi men!! wangi!! Aaaaarrgghh perfekt sekali :)