Montag, 21. November 2011

Someday my prince will come :)

Hei, I wanna greet all the singles!! I got this link from my best friend, Eca.
I think you should read it. Well it's her sharing how to choose the mr./miss right and how you deal with it.

The best part in my opinion is when she wrote that we could and should pray for him/her. Let God guide you and him/her.

So, Eca and I were on skype last week, and we talked about it. We made a list, how my future husband should be, for instance: catholic, finished (at least) his bachelor, get a good job,not smoking, etc, etc. and we made a deal, to start praying for our future husband together.

Well, I put some addition in my prayer:
"God, I believe that you have prepared all the things for me, including soulmate. I just can pray, God, I don't know yet who he is, but I'm sure that we'll meet each other in Your time, and in that time all will be just so beautiful. So God, please guide him in all his way and please help me prepared myself to be a good future wife." unyu kan? hahaha :) God, I just can't wait too long <3

Hence, you singles, shouldn't be pessimistic, but optimist. God answers you in His time. His answer might not come immediatelly but it will never be late. Just believe :)

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