Sonntag, 21. Januar 2018

Recap of 2017

So as every year, here it is the recap of my last year resolutions:

1. Finish the master degree    yes, I  officially finished my master in July with 1,6. Juhuu
2. 80% financially independent from my parents  I got a job since March. But, I am about 80% independent probably six months afterwards.
3. Buy a car (not the dream car mini, of course). Not enough money yet. Probably next year.
4. Do some sports   Indeed I registered myself in the zumba course. And am in yoga class as well.
5. More time for God.   Feels like the most horrible daughter of God. I should make more time.
6. Do the job good    Well, I think so.
7. Attend Dedet and Yulia's wedding.   Naaahh... Dedet's wedding was complicated and she said there will be a bigger reception. Yulia is getting married next year.
8. Ngecat rambut    OH YES

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