Freitag, 27. April 2012

Jangan Tanggung-Tanggunglah

Cintailah gitarmu...

....dan guru gitarnya. 

hahahaa :P

Lieb deine Gitarre...
... und auch den Gitarrenlehrer

Freitag, 20. April 2012

Amsterdam: Body Worlds & World of Body

I hadn't had time posting since last week I was so tired. I didn't do anything on Sunday, I didn't even go to church. Well, our department arranged a trip to Amsterdam. The idea came out from my cardio-professor, to make a trip to Body Worlds (Körperwelt). The idea was accepted and sponsored by my department. The students were offered to register with fund of 20€ but we will get it back on our way to Amsterdam. So this trip is for free.

Stupid me, I didn't know that we may have time to go to the city center. If I knew it before, I could googling and find out worth places to be visited. Amsterdam is quite famous with Madame Tussaud. Though if you've smartly searched, you'll find out that Madame Tussaud in Berlin is cheaper and more worth it to visit because in Berlin they have more statues (for me also quite familiar artist). So, these things I've ever heard from friends about Amsterdam:
1. Madame Tussaud
2. River and bridges
3. Iamsterdam
4. Red district

Starting from Body worlds, ok? So we arrived there around 11.30, then we entranced the Body world expo. One word: AWESOME!! Unfortunatelly people are told not to make pictures, but it was just amazing! I don't know this people plastinized all the body, but I realize that is really a hard work. You can see which the muscles are in contraction and relaxation when you play chess, when you pick up a woman with your one hand on an ice ring. You can see, the difference between the lungs of smokers and non-smokers, between the normal lever and a hyperthropy lever of an alcoholicer and a cyrosis one. One thing made me scared: they showed us a thin midsagital slice of person with normal weight and obesity. It was so terrible! I was and I am still obes, if you notice. The thing is fat goes everywhere!! taking part in every hollow of our body like between organs, nape, stomach and inhibit the work of your organs. Your heart and your lungs are pressed, like no room for your pericardiac and your pleura. Your lever becomes smaller. In one blick, you will notice that it is dangerous!! DANGEROUS!! :( Anyway the best part I like the most from the expo is the anatomy cabinet. There are two seperated rooms: Fetus-development cabinet and 18+ cabinet. I like both. The first cabinet I mentioned shows us the development of embryo of plastinized fetus from the 4th week (anyway they put it in a small transparent cube with water), 5th, 6th ,7th,8th week. Somehow I thought they just so lovely. God is cool. I see an 8th-week fetus already like a really small baby. It has head, body, arm and fingers, legs and feet. There I saw also platinized fetus from the 15th until nearly born (I'm not sure, it is 37th week?) The next cabinet shows two plastinized bodies making sex. I don't like the position. hahaha. but logically it is made so, that you can see clearly that the penis is going into vagina, not to your rectum. hahhaa. enough. good education actually hihih :D
Anyway I bought the book and  made a pict on the red carpet.

We got 6 hours in the city center. I was going with Nandea, Saka, and Lingzhi. Somebody was hungry, but couldn't decide what to eat and absolutely wasting our time and made my hungry as well. Then I asked all to eat pizza with me. Big slice! Delicioso!! Then we continue our trip, seeing red district area or world of sexy bodies (OMG), visiting sex museum and Iamsterdam. Hahaha. Don't wonder why we chose that. It was absolutely my and Nandea's crazy idea. But we had lots of fun. Thanks guys :)


Donnerstag, 12. April 2012

Ostersonntag & Ostermontag

Saya ga tau gimana menerjemahkan kata Ostermontag dalam bahasa Indonesia. Yang pasti Ostermontag itu hari senin setelah Minggu Paskah. Di Jerman, umat Kristiani masih merayakan itu walaupun tidak semua orang pergi ke gereja. (Tepatnya saya juga ga ngerti apa yang mereka rayakan saat Ostermontag hehe). Oke, dalam posting kali ini, saya mau membahas tentang khotbah dan bacaan pada hari Minggu Paskah dan Ostermontag ini. (Gila Dita, jarang2 dengerin khotbah romo hahahaha)

Minggu Paskah. 
Yang memberikan khotbah adalah Pastor Ignatius Tari, SVD (mudah2an bener tulisannya). Beliau bercerita tentang perjalanan terbaik. Raja membuat jalan dengan sayembara "siapa yang dapat melakukan perjalanan terbaik, berhak menggantikannya menjadi raja". Banyak orang melewati jalan tersebut berharap akan melewati jalan terbaik karena jalan itu dibuat raja. Namun yang terjadi adalah sebaliknya, yang dijumpai adalah jalan yang kotor, tidak terawat, penuh sampah, sehingga sepanjang perjalanan mereka penuh gerutu. Sesampainya di kerajaan mereka menyampaikan keluh kesah mereka kepada raja dengan mengatakan bahwa perjalanan itu bukan perjalanan terbaik melainkan perjalanan terburuk. Orang terakhir yang sampai di  kerajaan ditanya juga oleh raja yang sudah pesimis dengan jawabannya. "Apakah kamu mendapatkan perjalanan terbaik?" Orang itu menjawab: "Ya, Raja. Betul bahwa jalan itu begitu kotor, bau, penuh sampah berserakan. Lalu saya tergerak untuk membersihkan jalan tersebut supaya tampak baik. Ketika saya merapihkan jalan tersebut, saya menemukan emas-emas ini lalu saya kumpulkan. Ini untuk baginda raja. Saya pikir ini pasti cukup untuk menghidupi kerajaan selama bertahun-tahun". Raja terkesima dengan orang ini dan akhirnya raja mengangkat orang ini menjadi raja. End. Dari cerita ini, sudah jelaskan kesimpulannya? :) Tuhan memang menyiapkan untuk kita jalan yang terbaik. Namun bukan berarti bahwa Tuhan menyiapkannya hanya untuk kita nikmati. Memang dengan begitu manusia MUNGKIN akan bersyukur atas karya penciptaanNya. Tapi bukan itu yang Tuhan mau. Tuhan ingin supaya manusia juga berusaha. Dengan berusaha, terbukalah jalan indah ini. Kalau kata Romo, ini adalah tantangan kita umat kristiani untuk melakukan perjalanan terbaik kita atas dasar iman dan bukan semata-mata atas dasar kemanusiaan. *jleb bingung ga ngerti bedainnya* Ini adalah tantangan kita umat Kristiani untuk menemukan apa yang disembunyikan oleh Allah, dengan begitu akan lebih besarlah rasa syukur kita kepadaNya. Contoh kecil nih, ketika kamu dikasih uang jajan sama mama papa, pasti kamu akan berterima kasih. Ketika kamu mendapatkan uang jajan dari hasil jualan misalnya, rasanya lebih senang kan? Kalau doa, hal pertama suka lupa diucapin didoa, karena itu sudah BIASA. Tapi biasanya yg kedua, disebut kan? :)

Bacaan hari ini adalah tentang dua orang Yerusalem yang melakukan perjalanan ke Emaus setelah wafat Yesus. Di tengah perjalanan, Yesus hadir di antara mereka dan bercakap-cakap dengan mereka. Namun mereka tidak menyadari bahwa orang ini adalah Yesus. FYI, bacaan ini adalah bacaan Injil ketika orangtua saya menikah. Sedikit banyak saya cukup tersentuh dengan bacaan ini. Seketika saya langsung ingat cerita papa dan mama mengapa bacaan ini yang dipilihkan Alm.Romo Kurris SJ untuk hari pernikahan mereka. Papa dan mama saya sudah saling kenal semenjak SMA. Mereka bergabung dalam koor di Paroki Blok B,namanya Cavido. Papa dan mama saya kalau tidak salah termasuk pendiri-pendirinya (atau angkatan pertama). Dari situ mereka kenalan, jalan bareng, tunangan, LDR 3 tahun, lalu menikah setelah 9 tahun mulai jalan brg. Romo Kurris mengibaratkan papa dan mama saya ini sebagai dua murid yang pergi ke Emaus. Tanpa sadar Yesus hadir di tengah-tengah mereka, mengajak Yesus tinggal bersama mereka, dan saat itu lah berkat turun atas mereka, walaupun Yesus physically 'ngilang' tapi dua murid ini justru semakin percaya. Harapannya papa dan mama setelah itu membangun keluarga yang juga berlandaskan iman akan Yesus. Sweet ya? :)

Paskah 2012

I didn't go so far away like the last two years, but it was also nice to spend easter with people you know. Okei, let's start from Palm Sunday. My brother, who had arrived since Saturday, and I went to St.Anna Kirche in Düsseldorf. Before the mass, we did sightseeing Rhein. Galih insisted eating fish and chips nearby the river and I just refused it. In fact we were late to the mass and there's no guarantee that fish and chips is the best food they sell. So we just bought Holland Fries and ran to the subway. It tasted so good, honestly. Anyway, after almost one year, I was again on the altar and again on duty ;)
Feli and me
Until Thursday I had to go to FH. No holiday. Poor Galih, he had to wait until I get back home. But he cooked in the evening. So it was just nice.
Galih Oliver's Spaghetti Bolognese
Galih Oliver's Cottbular

Wednesday we visited Opa and Oma.
Opa's Osterglocken
Thursday Propstei. Friday propstei and Düren. Saturday to Aachen, buying some stuff, pizza, ice cream. Got back home, took a rest for a while then went to Propsteikirche. That day was the longest mass I ever had in Jülich. 2 hours. Though in Bekasi it took 3,5 hours for the same time of mass. ckckck. But we had nice company that night. Alexander and Johann were there as well. Saw people that I know, like Ophelia n her fam, Barbara Biel, Cornelia, her husband and her super cute daughter Eliza who was baptized at that night, Galo, Prof Scherer and his fam (I'm not wishing though,cause he saw me playing guitar on the street).
Sunday!! We had been waken by the sound from my android when a message in Whatsapp appears. My brother and I then tried to skype the whole family, so that we delayed our schedule for one hour. We headed then at 11.43 to Cologne and as I promised my brother, we got something to eat first. and it was..... : KFC :D We catched the tramp before 14 o'clock to the Mauritius Church. The mass should start at 14.30. Ärm, I used to be asked to do something and something. I was hoping to be on duty as minstrant again, but no, I was asked to be a lector at that day. I offered them also, to sing the Madah Paskah ;) Not let my brother sitting alone, I asked Kak Feli if the organist come and told her that Galih play orgel well. In fact that he at the end played for the whole mass, with just 1 hour practice. Cool :) Happy easter everyone!

made by Tesa