Mittwoch, 20. Juni 2012

Things to do before 30

1. choose your favorite bible verse which can be reminder for the rest of your life Tuhan takkan terlambat juga tak akan lebih cepat, Ajarilah kami setia menanti waktuMu Tuhan
2. go to musical or concert  still hoping for west side story in October
3. learn one music instrument  Guitar!
4. learn how to drive non sense as my dad still haven't let me drive his car
5. learn how to cook 
6. visit a new country once a year
7. find a husband
8. get a summer crush
9. go on a bike ride over an hour and a half   last year
10. meet a celeb, take a picture together and get his/her sign
11. watch the sunrise and sunset
12. do volunteer soon!
13. watch the stars at night  
14. go to disneyland in florida
15. hang out with one of your family member (just 2 of you!) 
16. candlelight dinner
17. build a snowman or a sandcastle
18. write a diary at least once a month
19. swim with dolphins
20. diving
21. dance with stranger in a foreign country 
22. backpack in europe 
23. kiss in the rain
24. wear bikini on the beach
25. saved someone’s life
26. learn a different language 
27. have a white christmas   I had even white birthday!
28. take the whole family member (nuclear family) to dinner and pay for it
29. travel to Israel
30. ride a camel across a sandy desert
31. sleep under the stars soon!
32. gone to a huge sport game
33. look up at the night sky through a telescope 
34. actually feel happy about your life, even for just a moment
35. kissed on the first date
36. had a picture in the newspaper
37. changed a baby’s diaper
38. had amazing caring friends
39. midnight walk on the beach
40. got flowers for no reason
41. ridden a motorcycle
42. slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing
43. visited all 5 continents

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