Montag, 29. Oktober 2012

Papa Said...,

I was on skype again with my parents and the discussion always ends up like this:

Papa: "How much did you spend for the ticket back home?"
Me   : " xxx €, Pap."
Papa: "I'll give you back when you're here, okay?"
Me  :  "You really don't have to worry about the money, I still have a lot from you, and it's enough for at least 6 months. It was just a pity that the application for my FH-scholarship was rejected again."
Papa: "You applied for FH-scholarship?"
Me  : "Yeah, like last year, still end up in the same way"
Papa: "Why was it rejected?"
Me  : "I don't know, maybe I'm not good enough"
Papa: "How good is your score now?"
Me  : "Well, I've counted.. I have about 1,9......."
Papa: "Almost 2. Ha (no wonder), that's not good. How can you get any job there (or here) with that score. You should at least get not worse than 1,5"

I'm almost dead to hear this.

(My papi is comparing my score with indonesian IPK-System and with my brother's score)

1 Kommentar:

Jurema hat gesagt…

Semangaaatt ditaaa.. :DDD mungkin nanti kamu pas daftar master bisa dapet beasiswa. coba daftar di stiftung2 gitu. pasti banyak kok. dan lebih banyak juga stiftungen yang nyediain beasiswa buat auslaender untuk program master. setahu aku emang susah dapet beasiswa untuk mahasiswa semester akhir gitu. tapi jangan khawatir, pasti masih ada harapan kok :D aku juga lagi nyari2 beasiswa, tapi susah nyari yang nyediain beasiswa bachelor buat auslaender. sekalinya ada, mereka maunya aku balik ke indonesia setelah aku selesai. hmmpfh.. dan juga belum jadi daftar2 gara2 menyadari nilai. hahhaha. :D