Sonntag, 21. Dezember 2014

Christmas is finally near!!

Hey, sorry for have been absent from blogging for a few weeks. University life didn't allow me to breath, I guess. And evrytime I got free time, all I need is just to go back to Tom. Recharge my energy, encourage myself to finish what I have decided. I'm sure in the end, it's gonna be good. But I didn't expect that this path I chose is gonna be this hard. I tried to stop blaming and complaining. No good result. I should try harder.

Anyway, I (and my group) was kicked out from experiment class, on the evening we celebrated christmas in the flat. That was for sure the best present for the end of the year :( So, this week has been pretty stressful, because I had then 3 experiment classes ( two was planned, the other one we have to re-do) and 1 deadline for paper. But we made it. I must say, that I got a good partner for the paper, so it was totally fine. Now I have to make all the reports as soon as possible.

Last week I was in Jülich on Christmas Market in Haus Overbach, the most peaceful place I know in Jülich. And it was just lovely.
Haus Overbach
Thanks by the way for the wishes on my birthday last sunday. My birthday was pretty good. Tom and Tom's mom cooked specially for me. I got a kiss at sharp 0 o'clock :) *feel like cinderella hihi, anyway the first birthday to celebrate ähm physically with boyfriend* Got a lot of presents. Thanks for Tom and his family, who made my birthday so meaningful. Got a lot of calls from best friends and fam :) Thank you! Love you so much!

As this week has gone and Galih is here, we were celebrating our birthday together. I baked nutella cake, as he wished, made wishes and blew on the candles together. We went to christmas market in Oldenburg.

So, enough for now. I still have something to do ;) Merry christmas..
Soon I'll make a recap for this whole year and as usual new year resolutions :)

2 Kommentare:

Patty hat gesagt…

Diiiitaaaa alles gute nachträglich nih! Hihihihihi

dan merry xmas jg yaaaa

Felicia Primadita hat gesagt…

Danke, Patty :D

Dir auch, frohe Weihnachten und guten Rutsch!