Sonntag, 9. November 2008

Kembang Gula

Haha, senangnya bisa nulis blog lagii..
Kemaren ada acara Kembang Gula di sekolah. Acaranya cukup sukseslah, lbh byk peminat drpd Prabu Kencana waktu itu..

So, I came there at 10AM because I brought some properties to decorate the stand.. The dresskode is simply white, so I wore my mom's shirt (which I always said that's a weird shirt), long necklace, wood bracelet, and jeans. I added 'ethnic' for my own theme that day. I felt pretty, hahaha :) I came with a simple hope that he would come for something, I don't know, anything, but the coming was the most important here. But he didn't come. *sighed* ga jodoo, pdhl gw udah cantik kmrn, hahaha :p

Yg payah di sini cuma counter candy flossnya aja, lelet, akhirnya ga jadi ambil dehh, sebel..

Talkshownya okeh, tapi sayangnya banyak yg ngobrol sendiri, and the time is too short.. T.T
Big applause for OSIS!!

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