Mittwoch, 7. März 2012

Life has to Move On

I finally got myself courage to decide.

I quit from the job I've done for 1 year. It was a hard decision, for me at least. I couldn't say I love the job, but I would say I really love the atmosphare surround the job. My boss and the office manager are so kind. I got the advantages to improve my German. and what I love the most was talking or listening to the german teachers while they were in the office. Lots of story. I'll miss the job :')

But anyway I hope by quitting I've started my all first step fulfilling my resolutions and my wishlist, I hope. I just do believe, no matter the way you've chosen, means that you just go another way that God has also prepared for you and believe that in the end of both ways He had prepared something special, something nice. They ought not be the same, but they are nice :) Just believe it :)
Life is freedom!

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