Donnerstag, 19. November 2015

WG geht in die Oper

Eigentlich wollten wir ins Kino am Wochenende. Annika mochte etwas gucken, aber zeitlich hat es doch nicht gepasst und Matthias hat vorgeschlagen in die Oper, wo er arbeitet zu gehen. Also waren Annika und ich in der Oldenburger Staatsoper zum ersten Mal :)
Selfie in dem Gebäude
Da da unser Premiere war, hat Matthias ein leichteres Stück vorgeschlagen. Wir haben: Manon Lescaut von Puccini geguckt. An sich war der Story echt simple. Ein echter Drama aber :) Manon Lescaut war eine Frau aus Paris, die von ihren Eltern ins Kloster geschickt wird. Da war ein Straßenmann hieß Renato des Grieux. Er war direkt in sie verliebt. Er sagte, eine schöne Frau wie sie sollte nicht ins Kloster gehen. Da war auch ein Steuerpächter, der sich auch für ihre Schönheit interessierte. Des Grieux und Lescaut waren dann abgehauen, bevor der Steuerpächter sie entführte. Manons Bruder kannte Manon aber zu gut, dass er sicher war, dass Manon Lescaut 100%ig wieder in Paris zu finden war. Er hat dem Steuerpächter dann geholfen, damit er und Manon zusammensein könnten. Manon hatte eine Beziehung mit Des Grieux, aber sie hat ihn verraten und hatte Affäre mit dem Steuerpächter. Keine sexuelle. Nur ist es so, dass Manon doch mit Reichtum gewöhnt war und mit Des Grieux zu leben, hieß ja leider ein armes Leben. Sie ist aber eigentlich verliebt in Des Grieux. Bei dem Steuerpächter bekam sie zwar alles an Schmuch usw, aber er war halt mega langweilig. Als Lescaut aussagte, dass sie wieder mit  Des Grieux zusammen wollte, war er selbstverständlich aufgeregt und hat sie angezeigt. Bevor die Polizei kam, hatten ihr Des Grieux und Lescauts Bruder gesagt, damit sie schnell abhaute. Manon hatte nach einem Schritt, anders überlegt. Der Schmuck wäre zu schade, um einfach da liegen zu lassen. Dann hat sie angefangen, den Schmuck erstmal zu sammeln. Dann war es natürlich zu spät. Sie kam dann in den Knast. Einen Tag danach wurde sie befreit. Sie hat Des Grieux versprochen, dass sie mit ihm arm leben wollte. Dann kam aber das Fieber. Lescaut ist schwach geworden und starb dann an dem Fieber. Ende: Des Grieux war mega traurig.
Der Saal
Wir drei im Saal vor der Aufführung
Uns hat die Oper auf jeden Fall gut gefallen. Annika geht heute sogar wieder dahin und guckte Hochzeit des Figaro. Und bleibe hier wegen aller Aufgaben von der Uni, die ich noch habe :/ Bis nächstes Mal dann!

Dienstag, 17. November 2015

Day 30: my highs and lows within this month

My lows:
  • still many papers to read, though :(
  • can't meet Thomas before his defence
  • still many assignment to do
  • have to clean the whole house this week *hosh*
My highs:
  • watched opera with my flatmates 
  • Thomas graduated master
  • finished the first presentation of this semester
  • cooked my favorite ayam bumbu rujak ala me, and my flatmates love it! 
  • I finally finished this blog challenge!! Hahahaa *gees*

Sonntag, 15. November 2015

Day 29: Goals for the next 30 days

In 30 days is my birthday, tralalala :P So these are my goals for the next 30 days:

  • finish 2 assignments and 2 presentations
  • therefore finish reading 3 other papers
  • begin to write the 3rd presentation
  • finish the advent calender project
  • finish recording project
  • send parents' christmas present
  • send Galih's birthday present
  • send relatives christmas postcards
  • reunion with Jenov :D
  • hopefully I could finish the first tasks earlier,so that I can attend KMKI Aachen's christmas party
Gees, I have a lot to do.

Samstag, 14. November 2015

Day 28: Something that I miss

I miss dancing
I miss pempek
and I miss my mbah

Day 27: A problem that I have had

Got jerks in my group, that could not work and could not even cooperated.. Well said (or maybe not?): I'm too persistent. And my eyes are again opened to see that a lot of boys are weak. A lot. Not all. Ok, maybe it's just me, who is just too sanurian..

Donnerstag, 12. November 2015

Day 26: What Kind of Person Attract Me

I'm not really sure, what they actually want from me to write.. To attract means in my opinion to get an attention because of two reasons: positive and negative. Both cause a same effect: sometimes I couldn't get my eyes off them.

The positive ones: I couldn't get my eyes off him/her, because he/she looks good or he/she has something that makes me never get bored to look at him/her. He/she is really really smart or talkative. He/she dances. He/she sings or plays music. He/she is a nice person to talk with. He/she is open minded.

The negative ones: I couldn't get my eyes off him/her, because there is something wrong with their appearance. Not ugly. Unproportional face something like that should be enough. He/she has a weird accent, that sounds soooo annoying! Well okay, more annoying than that would not cause me to look at them. Because longer I look at them, I have this feeling, that I'm near to kill them ;)

In case of finding partner: just look at the positive one (but only for the 'he'). Additionally, I would add:he is clean (in view of taking bath regularly) and neat (his clothes are ironed!). He is older and wiser and catholic.  He is polite and well educated. He travels.  etc etc :)

Dienstag, 10. November 2015

Day 25: Someone who fascinates me

Oh I finally got an inspiration, who I want to write about.. :) I met this woman in Dortmund in 2009. She stayed not really long in Germany, but she is one of the most independent women beside sanurian that I've ever met. She inspired me a lot to be an independent smart woman. Because she does. I look what she has been now! She has been living in so many countries, experienced so many culture.She is open-minded and she has friends from all around the world. She talks about politics and percuade women to participate in politics as well. She is more sanurian than a sanurian, but she is not a nerd and she is quite religious, in her own way. For a short time, we became really close, eventhough I almost lost contact with her *bad me*. And she made me believe somehow, smart woman belongs to smart environment and smart guy. I think she is the real modern Kartini: women should be allowed to experience education as high as they want to.

Hmm, maybe I should get in contact with her again :) By the way, selamat Hari Pahlawan!

Mittwoch, 4. November 2015

Day 24: my favorite movie

So, my favorite movie is....
This film was released in 2003. I watched once at the movie(I guess) and several time at home. The film is about clownfish father and son. It started  with a tragic scene where humans destroy the underwater living and Marlin lost all of his eggs (and wife) except one, Nemo. But because of the accident, Nemo was then born handicapped. His one fin was really small that reduced his swimming ability. Like any other little kid got mad to his dad, Nemo tried to runaway from home, but got captured a diver / fish collector. Marlin had then an adventure to find and get back Nemo home. On the way, he met Dory, a good-hearted bluefish with SML-syndrome, sharks, other small fish and turtles. Don't forget Squirrel and his "Dude"! This film made me cry everytime I saw it.

Montag, 2. November 2015

Day 23: Five pictures of famous guys that I find attractive

1. Eddie Redmayne, played in Les Miserables
2.Chris Pine, played in Princess Diary 2 and Into The Woods
3. Aidan Turner, played in The Hobbit
4.Ramin Karimloo, sings musicals, like: Phantom of The Opera, Love Never Dies, Les Miserables, etc.
5. Valentin Schreyer, played in Lindenstrasse
Photo courtesy: Google

O zapft' is!

Wenn ich schon gar nicht nach Muenchen zum Oktoberfest ging, musste ich unbedingt auf das Oktoberfest im Dorf gehen. Es ging eigentlich nur um Haxe Essen :) Aber ich sah das auch als eine Chance, die Dirndl, die ich vor 2 Jahren schon gekauft habe, anzuziehen (bevor sie mir net mehr passt, hehe).
Echt eine schoene Deko
Haxe, Haxe, Haxe!
Wir beide :)
Selfie ;)

Day 22: How have I changed in the past 2 years?

Physically: I can just gain weight without loosing any pounds! But this is always happen to me (hmm as long as I can remember) everytime I have a boyfriend. Haha. It is just started this summer, but I'm now more motivated to do more sport. Well okay, it might still a little bit less than I should do in a week. I'm still proud of myself, though! Well, I ride bike as usual, but my campus now is even nearer than the last ones and you know, Oldenburg is flat! So during the summer break, we went swimming once a week. We, I mean, Thomas and I. During the internship, the swimming pool is closed. So I went to muscle training course. That was hard. Eventhough, you get used to it after a few times. This semester I do zumba with my flatmate every wednesday. That's fun. But still I hope, that I may have more time to do some other sports within the week.

  • I become more a "let' build a family" type (is this a change?)
  • Less homesick
  • More talkative, especially in German
  • I become sassier, I guess 
  • At the same time depend a lot on Thomas and independent for my study
  • I try to have more initiative to help the other(that I know)
  • I try to manage time by myself
  • Try to get anything that I want, without (financial) help from my parents
  • I become more defensive when it comes to refugees. I don't like refugees and I still haven't seen a reason, why I have to be sympathic to them 
I think this should be enough.