Mittwoch, 28. März 2012

He is Preparing Something Good

My week is getting better, I would say. Though all bad news happened last week seemed have no end. Anyway I've done something I called "Minggu Prihatin" in the connection with my robbed house. I ate only what I had, I bought only bread and milk in the whole week.

I haven't said, that I got the scholarship from KSG, have I? :) Yes, I got it. My application had been accepted. So, I'll be financially supported for the next 2 semesters ;) As the consequenz, I should organize some events for the other students. I offer Saman-course for this semester and a one-day event called "Tag der Interkulturellen Begegnung" with forum and workshops, in cooperation with the Indonesian Catholic Student Family -Aachen. Bin einfach begeistert :)

Anyway I would say that I'm in crisist of money at the moment. I spent 10€ just for lunch and dinner in one day (I would kill myself), which I expected only to spend 6,50€ because I borrow 3,50€ from Judith. I still have to pay 5€ for the guitarcourse also.Uh-oh.. No money left.(though I still went to supermarket on Sunday, because the needs are sold 10% cheaper. God is good.

There was a festival or kind of sunday market last Sunday. Then a crazy idea popped up my mine. Play guitar, play guitar!! I brought my guitar at 18 p.m with an empty cacao box. I found a good place in front of the shoe shop, put all my stuffs there, my songbook, the cacao box, started to sing (warming up).

"Weine nicht wenn der Regen fällt, dam dam dam dam.. usw usw"

Nobody heard. Hmm. Stop with this Gregor's song. Not suitable to my voice. Except "Country Road" :P

Followed with Adele's and Beyonce's song. Some euros was coming. A professor was looking at me. Uh-oh. I sang mostly old songs like "Through The Eyes of Love","Edelweiss", "Somewhere over the rainbow","My favorite things", "When You Say Nothing at All". The others are Hillsong's and indonesian: "Everybody Knew" by Citra Idol and "Jari-Jari Cantik".

At the end I got 9,99€ (after 1,5 hour). Not bad at all. I said to my brother, let see if I got tomatoes, eggs or coins. He didn't believe when I told him that I got coins! hahaha. I just like it, nice talking with nice people on the street, playing and singing, nice weather, got enough money to pay debt and the course ;) I could be proud of myself :P

Nevertheless I hope that the family that will give me this babysitter job calling me back. It's been one week :(

Montag, 19. März 2012

Officially... poor

Good luck, bad luck, who knows.
Yesterday your parents might be rich, who's gonna expected that today your parents lost more than 30 million rupiah.

That happened to me just today.

My house in Bekasi was robbed. Mom told me crying that the robber broke up the window, got into my parents' bedroom and stole everything he could bring with. Euros, dollars, jewels, cameras, video camera, laptops (mom's and dad's). My money also!! :(

But I'm still grateful that there was nothing happened with my parents. They just sad. Of course. My mom especially, because she kept all the money that she will use to pay the flight to Germany this summer at home and now it's all gone.

Well, I'm officially poor student now :p I should be ready for every condition that I may face in these next months. Should spend some money, that I really don't know HOW!!

I just met my ex-boss in the cafetaria this afternoon. She told me that I had done 60 hours overtime and I will be given a new 3-month-contract without working. I was shocked. I had done more than 160 hours overtime, 174 hours to be exact (more or less 8 months salary), how could I be paid only for 3 months???? I'm still wondering :((

Ok, next plan. I'm gonna call Alexander's neighbor, if they still need baby sitter. I hope, from that I can pay AT LEAST my guitar course. When summer comes, then I should be ready to sing more songs and play on the street. Hmm. Oh ya, I'm crossing fingers for the scholarship from KSG, as well.

I hope this is really the last bad news I have to hear.. Oh my goodness.

Anyway, there should be good news beside the bads. I got 2,7 for Konstruktionselement(Constructional Elements), which I thought, I would just get either 4,0 or 5,0 (failed). I was so happy :)

Montag, 12. März 2012

Family shit!

Menjelang ujian, malah dibuat emosi sm satu keluarga. Pasalnya, bokap membuat group whatsapp baru berjudul "my family". Mulai bercicitcuitlah hape gw sepanjang pagi. Tring, tiba-tiba nongol nih adik gw *yang beberapa hari yg lalu telponnya gw matiin saking keselnya* Ngomong dah masalah dia mau beli piano / keyboard / whatever itu lah.

Bokap mengiyakan dengan syarat harganya di bawah 90€. Wow, gila gw pikir kl semurah itu ya gw juga mau. Teringatlah percakapan gw dan adik gw dulu. Dia mau beli yg harganya 800€. Dengan sedikit menyindir, gw tulis "Hahaha, kalo di bawah 90€ mana mau si Galih". In fact, abis itu gw cari ke ebay, dan emang ada keyboard yamaha dan ibiza yg harganya 76€ baru. Gw tulislah hasil penemuan gw di ebay itu dan pertimbangan2 gw kenapa si adik gw ini tampaknya harus menahan diri dulu buat beli ginian (alasan utamanya ya karena ini cuma setahun, dan adik gw sudah berkoar-koar ga mau nerusin di Greifswald, maksyonglah kalo pindahan nanti udah punya barang aneh2). Kenapa sih ga ditahan setahuuunn aja. Mainlah klarinet, toh bawa.
Trus adik gw panjaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnggg banget ngoceh2 kenapa sih dia ga boleh beli yg menyangkut hobi dia dll dst dsb. Alasan gw ditolak mentah-mentah. Ini lagi pake muncul ide baru adik gw ke Köln buat beli piano. Sinting!! Trus mau buang 100€ lagi buat ongkos pulang pergi?? Males banget baca lebih lanjut, gw delete aja grupnya.

Terus mulailah nyokap menegur, "kenapa kamu keluar dari grup?" Gw bilang, males bacanya, terserah kalian itu uang papi mami, aku mau ujian, ga tertarik lagi bacanya. Trus gw diceramahin lagi soal iya kenapa sih beli piano aja ga boleh, kan emang Galih ga punya hobi lain selain itu, trus ngungkit2 dulu gw juga pake duit buat les dansa n les nari. Ya halo!! Gw pake beasiswa juga kali itu. Les dansa cuma 10€ satu tahun, les nari 25€ tapi setelah 4x pertemuan, jadi gw keluar juga ga skali banyak. Ga seimbang.
Gw kesel dan ngantuk. Gw tinggal tidurlah itu hape. Setengah jam doang! Belum ada 10 menit gw tidur, skype bunyi. Gw diemin. Akhirnya nyokap gw whatsapp lg, "kamu marah juga sama aku?" Meeeennn!!! gw ga boleh tidur apa yaa???? Bagus, trus nyokap gw ga bales whatsapp gw mpe pagi. Gantian aja. Semaleman gw udah nangis2. Kesel sendiri, ga tau mau cerita sm siapa. Trus gw ke gereja, rasanya sia-sia bgt gereja tp masih emosi.

Bokap juga nulis panjang lebar, ga tau lagi isinya apa. Gw cuma bales "yaudah terserah itu kan duit papi.I won't be heard anyway udah ya, besok aku ada ujian.tolong jangan diganggu masalah beginian.".

Karena whatsapp ga dibales2 nyokap smpe pagi, akhirnya gw tulis email ke bonyok:
Intinya, gw bilang, gw tuh ga marah sm bonyok, gw tuh kesel sm diri gw (dan adik gw tentunya) karena gw lupa, bahwa gw ga bisa memaksakan prinsip hidup gw ke orang lain, termasuk adik gw sendiri. Gw selama ini pengen menyadarkan adik gw buat belajar hidup dari nol. Hidup sedikit susah. Rasanya udah pernah gw nulis ini: bokap emang kaya, tapi bukan gw yang kaya. Bokap gw kaya, bukan karena orangtuanya kaya, tapi karena bokap kerja keras buat keluarganya. Gw sm adik gw emang kebagian enaknya, tapi apa iya karena bokap gw kaya trus gampang aja gw beli ini itu dengan pemikiran "bokap gw masih ada duit"?? Gw juga ga ngelarang adik gw beli kok, boleh beli, tapi nanti. Semua bisa lw beli, tapi apa iya harus semuanya punya sekarang?

Udah agak lega (tapi tetep ga mau ngomong sm adik gw) setelah nulis itu tadi pagi. Siangnya gw baca balesan nyokap. Kalimat awalnya bagus. Kalimat belakangnya "mami sedih krn keributan ato salah paham kamu n Galih smp2 Galih nginep pun kamu gak begitu gubris". ANJRIT. Nangis aja lagi lho gw. Tega banget!! Setelah gw ngurusin ini itu dan pada harinya gw pontang panting ngurus acara,plus ngurusin adik gw nginep di mana, naik apa pulang perginya supaya hemat, pas acara gw juga sempet dansa kok sm adik gw. Sekarang gw dibilang "GAK GUBRIS"!!???? What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!!!

I'm out, Fam!! Jangan harap deh ngrayain paskah sm gw. Sebodo dah puasa pantang gw udah batal semua bgini.

Ihr regt mich nur auf! Live your own life! Ciao.

Samstag, 10. März 2012

Bintang di Langit- OST.Petualangan Sherina

Hoaaa finally I could upload our first cover!!! With the blink blink effect from the unfriendly lamp in the KHG's room, here it is..! Thanks a lot for Galih playing the piano :)

Songtitle: Bintang di Langit
OST: Petualangan Sherina (2000)
Original singer: Sherina Munaf
Cover: Dita (Vocal), Galih (piano)
Video taken: in Raum der Stille of KHG Aachen from Android

Enjoy :)
We are welcome for comments ;)

Freitag, 9. März 2012

Mittwoch, 7. März 2012

Life has to Move On

I finally got myself courage to decide.

I quit from the job I've done for 1 year. It was a hard decision, for me at least. I couldn't say I love the job, but I would say I really love the atmosphare surround the job. My boss and the office manager are so kind. I got the advantages to improve my German. and what I love the most was talking or listening to the german teachers while they were in the office. Lots of story. I'll miss the job :')

But anyway I hope by quitting I've started my all first step fulfilling my resolutions and my wishlist, I hope. I just do believe, no matter the way you've chosen, means that you just go another way that God has also prepared for you and believe that in the end of both ways He had prepared something special, something nice. They ought not be the same, but they are nice :) Just believe it :)
Life is freedom!