Dienstag, 20. November 2012

Are you worth enough?

Women and men usually make their standards of choosing their partner of life. Just be honest. I made it, too. But I felt slapped hard enough after reading Mario Teguh's wall:

ASIMH (Awas Status Ini Mengandung Humor):

Om, kapan aku boleh jatuh cinta? 
Berhati-hatilah, anak muda belum bisa membedakan cinta dan kesukaan yang akut. 

Kesukaan yang akut: 
Model handphone yang baru, sangat diinginkan, cepat dilupakan saat ada yang baru. 

Tetap menggunakan telepon model lama. (Tapi mungkin itu masalah uang yang kurang – he he …) 

Om, kalo aku terlalu memilih pasangan, salah gak?
Ya, karena TERLALU memilih menjadikanmu TIDAK TERPILIH.

Orang yang terlalu memilih, membuat orang lain menjadi kritis tentang KEPANTASAN-NYA untuk DIPILIH.

Orang akan bilang:
Pilih-poloh-pilih-poloh, you sendiri pantas dipilih gak? Ora nyebut!

Aku maunya cewe yang cakep, pinter, kaya, Miss Mojokerto, anggun, dan penurut.
Hmm … dia mau nggak sama kamu?

Om Mario, kenapa ya? kalo orang cakep, pinter, sukses itu – rata-rata sombong?
Alhamdulillah … saya tidak.

Mario Teguh – Loving you all as always

Source: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Mario-Teguh/52472954880?fref=ts

Somehow, I come to one point of reflection. On my list I made, I wrote that my future husband must have a better level of education than mine. Well, I learned that from my last relationship. I just realized, it can't be that it comes just from my point of view, hä? I'm getting to know someone at the moment. Well, I knew that he got his diplom (eq. indonesian S2/Master) for long time I guessed, and I just knew that he's on his way to get his doctoral title (eq. indonesian S3). Then I get it why he suggested me to take master directly after finishing bachelor. Not only he, but also the others. 

I think, if I want to take him seriously, then it might be his standard of choosing women. Does it make sense for you? I mean, if I want a husband with at least one title higher than me, then it could also happen, that he wants also a wife that maximum one title lower. Right right right?

I'm picky, so I should also made out of myself that worth to be chosen.

Good luck with your love life, friends :)

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