Hihihi.. :) I got a lot of birthday presents on my last advent day in Germany.
1. Earring from my ex-flatmate
2. Tiny little late birthday cake with a candle on it (and I could finally make a wish) from my date.
3. 2 bottles of white glühwein from Tom.
4. Orchid (yes yes yes it's first flower I got ever!!! :D), thanks a lot Mattis, Sonja and Mathilchen
Glühwein, Pizza and Les Miserables. Perfect to end the day, which full of feelings: happy, lovely, nervous, sad, empty, irritated, shock, loved, exhausted.
P.S: what love can do. Love brought me to Bourheim, despite of wind while biking ;)
P.P.S: "Let the wine of friendship never run dry"~ Les Miserables
P.P.P.S: Ab in die Tropen!!
Montag, 30. Dezember 2013
It's a small world afterall
You remember that song, don't you?
Kali ini gw mau bercerita ttg date gw yg ehem, kalo menurut lagunya Armada "mau dibawa kemana hubungan kita...?" gw ga tau apakah hubungan kita bakal berhasil. dan selama ini gw tidak merasakan kupu2 dlm perut :(
Anyhow, I chatted with one of my old friend from Vietnam. She has a boyfriend from the same place my date comes from and baby. Waktu itu date gw ini emang pernah cerita kalo dia punya adik cowo, dan tinggal di Dussi. Tapi gw ga inget kalo temen gw yg dr studkol ini pernah bilang kalo cowonya pindah ke Dussi. Dan td stlh temen gw ini nanya kabar gw (dan kabar percintaan gw), gw cerita lah ttg percintaan gw yg amburadul. Trus stlh cerita, cerita,cerita, dia tanya siapa nama date gw. Gw sebutlah itu namanya. Bang! Seriously, dia kenal doooonnngg.. Parah bgt ga siiiiiiihhh.... Date gw itu kakak pacarnya... Aduuuuuhhh... Udah badan gw semakin lebar, makin sempit lah dunia ini. Haih.
Kali ini gw mau bercerita ttg date gw yg ehem, kalo menurut lagunya Armada "mau dibawa kemana hubungan kita...?" gw ga tau apakah hubungan kita bakal berhasil. dan selama ini gw tidak merasakan kupu2 dlm perut :(
Anyhow, I chatted with one of my old friend from Vietnam. She has a boyfriend from the same place my date comes from and baby. Waktu itu date gw ini emang pernah cerita kalo dia punya adik cowo, dan tinggal di Dussi. Tapi gw ga inget kalo temen gw yg dr studkol ini pernah bilang kalo cowonya pindah ke Dussi. Dan td stlh temen gw ini nanya kabar gw (dan kabar percintaan gw), gw cerita lah ttg percintaan gw yg amburadul. Trus stlh cerita, cerita,cerita, dia tanya siapa nama date gw. Gw sebutlah itu namanya. Bang! Seriously, dia kenal doooonnngg.. Parah bgt ga siiiiiiihhh.... Date gw itu kakak pacarnya... Aduuuuuhhh... Udah badan gw semakin lebar, makin sempit lah dunia ini. Haih.
Freitag, 20. Dezember 2013
(Firasat = Vorahnung = Premonition)
I was totally shocked. I won't mention any reason today, but it's worse enough to describe my day.
Can't cry much. I let my tears wiped by the wind.
Then, I was thinking about this word "Firasat". I don't know whether the translation correct.
It's some feeling, a special connection that you have, when you love someone. Virtual bond.
And it has been said, if the bond strong enough, one can feel that something (bad) has happened.
I got this kind of feeling since last week. I couldn't really enjoy my birthday, my sweet escape to Würzburg.
At that time, I was under pressure to decide whether to go home for christmas or not.
My feeling yelled a strong "no". I actually have no reason to refuse Pap's wish, but I just had no good feeling.
I just wanted to stay in Jülich. I got a feeling that there's something gonna happen if I go too early.
Worse case is accident or kind of *amit2*
But today I found out why. Why had I not good feeling..
I hope this is really the one. And I realized, how strong the bond is between us. It's not always how long we have been through together that decides, but how we love each other :')
Please stay :'(
Mittwoch, 11. Dezember 2013
The Piano Guys Concert- Düsseldorf
It has been a perfect day last week. Trully happiness. Our first date went fine, though I'm still not quite sure how long it needs to fall in love in him. Don't wanna talk about it though. The Piano Guys were perfect!! and totally entertaining.
They played mostly the songs we've heard on youtube (All of Me, Rockelbel's Canon, A Thousand Year, What makes you beautiful, Süße die Glocken nie klingen, Kung Fu Piano, Waterfall, Can't help falling in love, Peponi, Beethoven's 5 secrets, O come o come Emmanuel, Rolling in the deep, etc). I didn't expect that even in live version it heard as good as in youtube, even better! And I totally admire Bruce Lee (Steve's electric cello) and its special blue pedal effect. It's really cool!
For those who are friend with me on facebook might know that I posted on my wall that I would love to hear "Angels we heard on high" in the saturday concert. And they did play that song as the second encore!!! And they said that was the first time ever they played it live. Yuhuuuuuuu!!! Isn't that great!!?? It was the best pre-christmas and birthday gift ever! ;)
The coolest thing is that we got autogram and photo session with these awesome guys after the concert. YEEEEAAAHHH!!!!
P.S: When they told the story about how they came up with the idea of kung fu piano and how they wish to be able to make video on the 7 wonders of the world, I got an crazy imagination of colaboration on Indonesian's Candi Borobudur and wanted to write them for that. At home, I checked the kung fu piano video again and found out that Indonesia is not on the list :( I forgot that Candi Borobudur is not any longer counted as world's seven wonders since several years.. Huhu, schade (that's a pitty). But who knows? maybe in another chance ;)
They played mostly the songs we've heard on youtube (All of Me, Rockelbel's Canon, A Thousand Year, What makes you beautiful, Süße die Glocken nie klingen, Kung Fu Piano, Waterfall, Can't help falling in love, Peponi, Beethoven's 5 secrets, O come o come Emmanuel, Rolling in the deep, etc). I didn't expect that even in live version it heard as good as in youtube, even better! And I totally admire Bruce Lee (Steve's electric cello) and its special blue pedal effect. It's really cool!
Jon's $2,000 grand piano |
Steve's cellos |
The coolest thing is that we got autogram and photo session with these awesome guys after the concert. YEEEEAAAHHH!!!!
![]() |
Paul Anderson,, Al van der Beek, Steve Sharp Nelson, Jon Schmidt, Dita, Darwin, Christian |
P.S: When they told the story about how they came up with the idea of kung fu piano and how they wish to be able to make video on the 7 wonders of the world, I got an crazy imagination of colaboration on Indonesian's Candi Borobudur and wanted to write them for that. At home, I checked the kung fu piano video again and found out that Indonesia is not on the list :( I forgot that Candi Borobudur is not any longer counted as world's seven wonders since several years.. Huhu, schade (that's a pitty). But who knows? maybe in another chance ;)
the piano guys
Montag, 9. Dezember 2013
Alcohol is not a solution, but no alcohol no solution
From Friday, I told myself I need something warm. I get cold. I need Glühwein!!
But no one drink Glühwein with me on Saturday. Soo I was waiting for Sunday til the band meet and as told after the concert, we are going to go to the christmas market after practicing.
And the whole team was going!! Yeah. I went to the church on Sunday morning already, because I don't know how long we're gonna spend on drinking. I feel like enjoying the time with the band. and I did :) Counted as a part of the bund is a bliss, so I think it's also important to hang out with them once a while.
We were 5 on the christmas market, and then we 4 went to another restaurant afterwards. Everybody realized that I was drunk already. At least, I said that also. They kept offering me some alcohol, hahaha jaja.. Still!! I love this band :*
So last night I drank: 4 cups Glühwein (2 with shots, 2 without), 1 cup apple juice with amaretto (it's delicious though!), 1 shot I don't know what (something milder than Uozo), 1 shot waldmeister. Ehem ehem.
Thanks for T& T's mom for bringing me home :) And of course thanks to M & C for the treat ;)
7 days to 23 ;)
But no one drink Glühwein with me on Saturday. Soo I was waiting for Sunday til the band meet and as told after the concert, we are going to go to the christmas market after practicing.
And the whole team was going!! Yeah. I went to the church on Sunday morning already, because I don't know how long we're gonna spend on drinking. I feel like enjoying the time with the band. and I did :) Counted as a part of the bund is a bliss, so I think it's also important to hang out with them once a while.
We were 5 on the christmas market, and then we 4 went to another restaurant afterwards. Everybody realized that I was drunk already. At least, I said that also. They kept offering me some alcohol, hahaha jaja.. Still!! I love this band :*
So last night I drank: 4 cups Glühwein (2 with shots, 2 without), 1 cup apple juice with amaretto (it's delicious though!), 1 shot I don't know what (something milder than Uozo), 1 shot waldmeister. Ehem ehem.
Thanks for T& T's mom for bringing me home :) And of course thanks to M & C for the treat ;)
7 days to 23 ;)
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Lounge Pad
Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013
Die Vorbereitung für den Wort-Gottes-Dienst gestern bringt mir zum Denken. Vision kann bedeuten so als Traum. Ich habe gestern Vision verstanden mit dem Zusammenhang von Mission. Etwas, wie man seine Zukunft sieht, was man anstrebt. Mission ist, alles was man tut, um die Vision erreichen zu können.
Das hat mich an meinen Blue Print erinnert. Da steht alles, was ich wann erreichen will. Auch Hochzeit, Freiwiliges Jahr und die Arbeit im Bereich HNO. Und gerade das gestrige Thema hat mir eigentlich gut gepasst.
Der Pater meinte, man muss schon etwas tun, damit man die Vision erfüllen kann. Eine Kommilitonin meinte, es gibt aber außerliche Faktoren, die dies auch beeinflußen können. Bei dieser Gelegenheit denke ich an die größte Sorge meines Lebens jetzt im Moment. Die Arbeitslosigkeit.
Ich strebe an, den Gehörlosen mit meinem eigenen Gerät zu helfen. Im Moment bin ich noch ganz weit weg von der Vision. Der Weg zu der neuen Arbeit ist irgendwie auch nicht gerade einfach. Hindernisse. Hier bin ich in Versuchung geführt worden. Im Moment sieht noch alles so dunkel aus. Ich fand keinen Weg heraus. Sackgassen. Manchmal hoffe ich, dass die Einladung zum Vorstellungsgespräch kommen kann, ohne dass ich eine Bewerbung geschrieben hätte ;) Ich fühle mich manchmal gezwungen, mein Leben in andere Richtung zu bringen. Hier was man als außerlichen Faktor bezeichnet. Es wird immer wieder versucht, das Leben weiter von der Vision entfernt. Die Frage ist, wie stark bin ich denn? Soll ich aufgeben und mein Leben in andere Richtung führen lasse, die weit von der Vision ist? Kann ich durchhalten? Wie kann ich mein Leben wieder zurück in die Vision, die ich habe, bringen?
Ich bin der Meinung, dass die Hindernisse dafür da sind, um zu sehen, wie stark auch unsere Vision ist. Wenn wir sie einfach aufgeben können, müssen wir nochmal gucken, ob sie wirklich unsere Vision ist.
Das hat mich an meinen Blue Print erinnert. Da steht alles, was ich wann erreichen will. Auch Hochzeit, Freiwiliges Jahr und die Arbeit im Bereich HNO. Und gerade das gestrige Thema hat mir eigentlich gut gepasst.
Der Pater meinte, man muss schon etwas tun, damit man die Vision erfüllen kann. Eine Kommilitonin meinte, es gibt aber außerliche Faktoren, die dies auch beeinflußen können. Bei dieser Gelegenheit denke ich an die größte Sorge meines Lebens jetzt im Moment. Die Arbeitslosigkeit.
Ich strebe an, den Gehörlosen mit meinem eigenen Gerät zu helfen. Im Moment bin ich noch ganz weit weg von der Vision. Der Weg zu der neuen Arbeit ist irgendwie auch nicht gerade einfach. Hindernisse. Hier bin ich in Versuchung geführt worden. Im Moment sieht noch alles so dunkel aus. Ich fand keinen Weg heraus. Sackgassen. Manchmal hoffe ich, dass die Einladung zum Vorstellungsgespräch kommen kann, ohne dass ich eine Bewerbung geschrieben hätte ;) Ich fühle mich manchmal gezwungen, mein Leben in andere Richtung zu bringen. Hier was man als außerlichen Faktor bezeichnet. Es wird immer wieder versucht, das Leben weiter von der Vision entfernt. Die Frage ist, wie stark bin ich denn? Soll ich aufgeben und mein Leben in andere Richtung führen lasse, die weit von der Vision ist? Kann ich durchhalten? Wie kann ich mein Leben wieder zurück in die Vision, die ich habe, bringen?
Ich bin der Meinung, dass die Hindernisse dafür da sind, um zu sehen, wie stark auch unsere Vision ist. Wenn wir sie einfach aufgeben können, müssen wir nochmal gucken, ob sie wirklich unsere Vision ist.
Christmas market-marathon: eat, eat and eat!
Akhirnya gw bisa posting lagi. Jadi weekend kmrn, Nessa, Pavy n Jenov pada nginep di rumah. Diawali kedatangan Nessa di Kamis malam. Terus hari Jumat gw mesti ke kampus dulu, disuruh bantu translate. Sejam kemudian gw udah di rumah lagi, sarapan, trus pergi jemput Pavy bareng si Nessa. Kita naik RTB, trus dari Düren sperti biasa hari ini naik RE1 yg telat 30 menit (jadi kita naik keretanya lebih cepet dari seharusnya). Trus tiba2 perut gw mules, mau ke WC tp WCnya dikunci. Udah keringet dingin. Gw akhirnya... pingsan. Ngek. Bikin Nessa panik *Maaf Nessa*. Dan ujung2nya gw diangkut ke RS dan ditahan di RS 3 jam. Sial. Tapi abis itu gw dpt telpon buat wawancara (though, satunya yg paling penting buat gw, hari ini dibatalin -.-)
Menu ke 11 ga di foto: Eierlikör ;) Oya, malemnya, karena kita udah lengkap ber4, kita bikin late surprise buat Nessa :D
Karena kita tidur jam 4, kita baru pada bangun jam 12. Hahaha. Padahal Pavy mesti pulang jam 3.
Ok abis itu kita anterin Pavy pulang dan jalan2 keliling Jülich sama the rest of the team. Kita nunggu misa jam 7. Sblmnya kita menutup marathon ini dgn, crepes. Ummm yum yum.
Anw, kita jadi ke Aachen, jmpt Pavy trus makan di Weihnachtsmarkt.
Menu 1: Wurst 50 cm & Spießbraten |
Rathaus Aachen |
Menu 2: Glühwein |
Menu 3: Reibekuchen |
Menu 4: Frische Champignon |
Menu 5: Mutzen |
Menu 6: Waffeln |
Weihnachtsmarkt Neumarkt |
Menu 7: Langoos mit Schinken und Käse |
Menu 8: Hot chocolate - Heumarkt |
Hafen-Weihnachtsmarkt |
Menu 9: Feuerzangenbowle |
Menu 10: Schweinehaxe, Leberkäse, Spare ribs |
Menu 12: Black forest, teh, dan kue2 |
Gw udah bangun dan mandi jam 9, krn tadinya kita mau misa jam 10.45 eh untungnya ngecek, krn hari itu justru misanya malem. Jadi gw tidur lagi. hahaa. Mulai jam 12, gw mulai masak wurst, rikuesan teman temin.
Terus ditambah Darwin dan Jota adenya Jenov. Karena makanannya kurang, jadi Darwin bawa hainamnya ke rumah. Enaaaakk :D
Menu 13: Bratwurst n hainam |
Hexenturm |
Menu 14: Crepes! |
Malem itu kita tidur jam 4 lagi. hahaha. Padahal Nessa msti pulang jam 9 n Jenov jam 10. Huhu. Parah, rumah gw sepi lagi.. -.- But I had a lot of fun with you, Girls :)
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