Samstag, 27. April 2013

Hier gab's was zum Feiern

altbayerischer Apfelkuchen
und 6 Flachen Wein und 1 Flache Hugo

Donnerstag, 25. April 2013

(theoretisch) Scheinfrei ;)

Juhuuu.. bin theoretisch scheinfrei ;)
und (meiner Meinung nach) mit guter DN : 1,98
Meinen Eltern habe ich davon erzählt über Whatsapp.
Mein Papa hat entweder meine Nachricht noch nicht gelesen, oder er hat nichts zum Meckern.
Nachdem er letztes Semester wegen meiner 1,9 DN gemeckert hat, warte ich noch bisschen ab.


Länderabend war ganz schön gemacht heute :) Der Vortrag war lang aber total interessant und das Essen hat mir auch richtig gut geschmeckt. Hab gutes Gespräch mit Alexander bis 23 Uhr. Danke allen :))

Especially when you're far away from home, you'll realize how precious your family is. And when you feel not at home, you'll realize how precious to have a friend who you can talk with, eventhough he/she doesn't speak your language.

I'm grateful to have Galih (my brother) here in Germany, who I can always talk with 24 hours long. and Alexander :)

Sonntag, 21. April 2013

Kamu baik (dan cinta?)

Aku kehilangan rangkaian kata indah
Belum pun satu kutemukan kata yang pas untukmu
Entah terlalu penuh
Entah terlalu kosong kepala ini

Semakin hari semakin jadi
aku tidak tahu lagi
apa kejujuran bisa memenangkan segalanya
apa kejujuran bisa memenangkan hatimu

Hai lelaki berhati putih,
aku tak lagi bisa membedakan kebaikan dan cinta

Aku berada di ambang batas
mungkin akan jatuh
kalau kau di bawah sana
kuyakin kau akan menangkapku
karena kau baik?
karena kau cinta?

Semakin lama semakin gawat
aku semakin ingin memilikimu

Montag, 15. April 2013


Bevor ich schlafen gehe, möchte ich jetzt erstmal schnell was schreiben.
Ein langer Tag heute. Bin wie auch immer um 6.20 aufgestanden, um 9.30 zur FH gelaufen.
war dann um 12 Uhr bis 13.40 bei Khaled zum Kochen und Essen (bin eine bescheurte Studentin,mache zu lange Pause), aber ich muss sagen, das Essen war lekker. Pizza Zucchini, Salat, Guacamole, gebratenes Fleisch mit Paprika und als Nachtisch Fruchtzwerge und Apfel mit Zimt und Eissahne. TOP!!
Oh, und der, der neben mir gesassen hat, sah echt gut aus.. ;)

 Ich arbeitete dann noch bis 18 Uhr und zog schnell um und fuhr in die Kirche. Das Singen war ok. Ein bisschen peinlich,da ich bei Wonderful Day ganz am Ende einen extrem trockenen Hals bekam und nicht mehr singen konnte. Uuunndd! beim letzten Lied habe ich mich vertan. Ich sollte "Mund" singen, aber kam "Mond" raus. Oooopppsss! Aber die Wortgottesfeier war richtig schön :)

Hier kommt jetzt der Hacken, warum der Titel so ist. 
Seit 2 Jahren war ich in jemanden total verliebt, und wo ich mich jetzt beschlossen habe, dass ich kein weiteres Gefühl haben will (und das tue ich auch noch).....,  hat er mich nach dem Gottesdienst UMARMET als Verabschiedung!

Ich dachte, er ist doch ein Typ, der überhaupt keine Frauen einfach umarmet, er gibt meistens nur die Hand.
Nachdem was alles geschehen ist, würde ich das ganze als "Magic" nennen. Ach je... 

So ich geh jetzt schlafen. Mein Betreuer holt mich morgen um 7:30 Uhr ab. Morgen ist ein großer Tag. Druck uns bitte die Daumen!

Oh, noch eins! Ich hab heute zum ersten Mal mit meinen eigenen Augen gesehen, wie Baby mit Ultraschallgerät untersucht wird. Ich konnte den Kopf, die Hände, und das HERZCHEN sehen! Sogar konnte man die Herzklappe noch sehen. Und alles geschah im Labor. Das war unglaublich geil. Also danke Matthias und Sonja!! :D Euch beide alles Gute!

Samstag, 13. April 2013


I'm quit busy this week. Something to be done in my project before Monday, I don't want that we get bad reputation just because I couldn't finish my circuits on time. But as usual, work hard, play harder. On Wednesday I was attending the pizza night (of course!). I ordered Pizza Cazio which was quite delicious which spinach, ham and mushrooms on top.. Aaaanndd yeah, I can't wait til Sunday! I'm singing, people! Juhuuu!! So don't forget to bring your earplug :P

Jepp and usual thursdays is always the day that I can't wait for.. Last semesters because of guitar course and this semester dance course! Yipiiiieee.. And since I have a dance partner, dancing is more wonderful :) Hoffe es bleibt so. Ich bleibe meinem Tanzpartner treu :D Oh ya, I need to tell you, I'm now dancing on 7-cm-high heels. was my second time practicing, but I felt much much better than the first time :)
The high heels were dance trainer's  ;)

So, gotta go for now.. I have to work tomorrow morning.

Samstag, 6. April 2013

Wake Up, Ito

You have been sleeping for so long
I know you, it's not like you
A thousand spirit that you always have
where does it disappear?

Wake up, my Ito, wake up..
I will see you when you're awake
Just a li'l spoon of strength
I know you can

Wake up, my Ito, wake up..
There are steps to be walked
There are ships to be sailed
There are dreams to be reached

There are thousand friends and relatives praying,
there is one love waiting for you,
yes she is always there hoping..

Dearest Ito, never think about failing
because she is there loving
because He is there healing

dedicated to Kristo Baskoro, my friend and brother,
who has been lying in the hospital for 4 months


An epic musical categorized as rock musical takes place in NYC, America in 1990's. It takes background of a group of people in New York's lower east side, who are struggling with HIV/AIDS. Music and lyrics are composed by Jonathan Larson, who died suddenly a day before the premiere.

It was starred by famous broadway artist like Adam Pascal, Anthony Rapp, Idina Menzel, Wilson Jermaine Heredia, and other artist like Rosario Dawson, Jesse L.Martin.

I would say, the story happens actually in the daily life, which is sometimes forgotten or invisible or doesn't pay one's attention. Mainly something that is described as taboo. Homosexuality, bisexuality, streapetease/ erotic dancer, HIV/AIDS, drugs. But those are packed in one nice touching story also about a strong friendship and love.

Should watch :)

".. I think they meant it when they said you can't buy love. Now I know you can rent it. 
A new lease you are my love, on life,all my life. 
 I've longed to discover something as true as this is..."

Donnerstag, 4. April 2013

St.Ursula's Easter Reunion

United Kingdom,the Netherlands met up in a small city of Germany named Jülich. (I think most will kill me because I trapped them in such a 'town').

Cindy and Jessica Novianti a.k.a Jenov were my highschool mates in Jakarta. Cindy is doing her master in New Castle and Jenov is about to finish her bachelor degree in Amsterdam. 

First we met up on good friday in Aachen, had lunch together also with Lionnie (maybe the future sister-in-law of Cindy), visited good friday's procession in Aachener Dom *I'll keep my mouth shut, Cin hahaa*, went through forest on our way to Dreiländerpunkt without reaching the Dreiländerpunkt itself *shame on me* then went to Jülich.

Nobis Bakery, Printen Shop
on the way to Dreiländerpunkt
On the next day we planned to visit Dom of Cologne, Liebesbrücke (Bridge of Love), and the easter night market in Deutzer side, visit the mass in Mauritius Kirche at 9 p.m and to see the easter firework on Rhein. But then we saw that the firework would be held at 9.30 p.m which we predict that we're still in the church. Alternatively we could take the mass at the Dom at 10.30 p.m but then be at home at around 3 a.m. We have promised Lionnie to come to Easter celebration in Aachen at 10.30 a.m, which meant we have to get up early. So, we decided to go back to Jülich and visit the mass there at 9 p.m. The mass was ok, then we stayed for sometime next to the easter fire. Luzia was really nice to bring us home. 
Kölner Dom
Jenov n Cindy

After arriving home Jenov and Cindy were still busy with the ticket back to Amsterdam. At 2 a.m we stopped and decided to sleep. My alarm clock rang at 7 a.m. But I feel like don't want to get up. I felt some how strange, because I'm used to 5-hour-sleep until Jenov said at around 8, that it was still 7 a.m on my clock. We realized then that we didn't recognize the change of summer time.Anyhow, it was difficult to get up and get dressed but finally we managed it. Bu Uki picked us up, then up to Aachen to Lighthouse at 8.30 a.m. The event started actually at 10.30 but we were asked to help preparing brunch. It was an awesome brunch!! I couldn't stop starring at foods, it was so beautiful decorated and delicious. We were full :) Then we were attending the ceremony, in which almost singing all the time. Afterwards some students accompanied Jenov, Cindy and me looking around Aachen. They went home at 5.32 p.m. 

Thanks a lot for Cindy and Jenov, who fulfilled my easter :)

Photos: Felicia Primadita