Donnerstag, 29. August 2013

#22 My Academics

Let's make a chronology.

KB Regina Frobel
My mom said, I was to eager to go to school. (I don't know who I was looking at, because I'm the oldest child in the family). It wasn't actually my time to go to school yet, because we started kindergarden at the age of 4. I was 3. So my parents put me in a playgroup near the house. They told me, after few month I refused to go to school. I was crying, crying if I had to. and I saw one pict of me crying also. You know the reason? I was pushed to write with the right hand, because none of the teachers is able to teach me to write with left. Weird school.

Playgroup MEC
so then I moved to a new school also near the housing. I think I was really glad to be there. I mean, I didn't remember much, but I still remember my teacher, Bu El ("Bu" is how people called an female adult, in this case, female teacher), who liked my brother's hair a lot, and Bu Mia. If I saw the class picture, I'm happy that I made good friendship with almost the half of them til now. They're Bayu, Charles and Renata (I guess Melissa also, not sure). We are schoolmates til junior high school.

TK Maria Yacinta
I was in A3 and B2?? Haha. I don't remember. Bayu, Renata, Charles, Melissa and I were in the same kindergarden, but not always in the same class. But with Melissa yes. I made friend also with Keke (a.k.a Yuke) and some other friends. My teachers were Bu Tri and Bu Caecil. I really liked to draw and play "teachers". I remember in my first year, I stood in the corner of the class while we were singing as I was also a teacher and the other friends were the pupils. How dare I. Haha. In the second year, I got grounded twice. First because I drew eyes and smiley lips on my orange during the cutting and glueing lesson. The second because I forgot to bring color pencils. Classic. My funny memories: I was once told to dance in group for a school event. We were practicing, practicing, practicing. But somehow I can't keep the song in mind, because both song and movement were repeated the whole time, and I found it sounded the same. My teacher -unluckily- asked me to be the leader of the group. and what happened on the day? I made my own choreography and the others were following me without any protests :P

SD Marsudirini
Primary school. I was a brat. Well I might not naughty in a physical way, but I became a backstabber. and I totally hate it if I remembered about it. SHAME on ME. So, I was in the class: 1F (Bu Novi & Bu Christine),2F (Pak Markus),3F (Bu Novi),4B (Pak Eko),5C (Bu Eta),6D (Pak Stef). "Pak" is how we call a male adult, in this case a male teacher. Yeah, I got the same classmates from class 1-3, and one friend of mine, whose name also Felicia, was always in the first rank. Since I wasn't in the same class with her, I started to achieve that place also. \m/

SMP Marsudirini
Junior high school. I was in the class I-G (Pak Andri), II-B (Bu Sri), III-C(Bu Ndari, I almost forgot),  hope these are right, hahaha. Score was totally fine, I was even delegated to national math olympiade. Unfortunatelly, not smart enough for that. Haha. I failed in the province selection. But I love math. Really. Maybe it because of the teacher, who WE (Rafliska and I) loved a lot!! Rafliska and I weren't even in the same class, but we were taught by the same charming math teacher, whose daughter name Dita as well. And every time after math exams we went to see each other and ask for score. It was amazing. How we told each other what this charming teacher spoke to us, what he wore, his motorbike, where he lives. It was just...... funny to remember. We were really fall in love in the same guy. Well, at least before I joined the school band. The drummer was cool. He was my KB-mate. But he had a girlfriend. Then I felt in first love with the coordinator of messdiener-organization. Was quite long and it hurts! But then short before graduated, I was in a relationship in my classmate. He was shy, but we both did great, though we broke up 6 months after.

SMA St.Ursula (Senior High School)
This is the reason why we broke up. He continued in the same school as before, met some girls because it's a heterogent school and I was stucked in an all-girl-school. This school successfully turned my life upside down. I used to be the first, but here I didn't even in the first 11 rank. Horrible. By the time I got used to that, without ignoring hard work. This was the school I had dreamt to be in, since I was in primary school, because I saw they played The Sound of Music in the theater. and I dreamt if I entered that school, I could convince them to play as Maria. (Hahaha, I remind you, I have all the songs of The Sound of Music in mind).
But then when I was in Junior high, I bet with one of my best friends, who will be the first, stepping on the marching battle field. She went to Tarakanita. I landed here. Well I was the first as official, but she was the first as player :) Yes we were in the marching band group. I played in the front percussion. Life was hard there. Mostly because I pendled all the time, woke up at 4 o'clock, being home at 7 in the evening. I was even suggested to my headmaster in front of public (my 3rd year mates), that she should open the hall as a dormitory for the pendlers. It was hard. Really. But the hard work worthed. I'm proud to be graduated from this school. Oh ya, I was in the class: X-5 (Bu Pandi), XI-IPA 3 (Pak Eko), XII IPA 3 (Pak Arif). and I got two awesome best friends, who were always in the same class with me, except for the art and language classes: Eca and Yulia. And Eca is still struggling with me, studying in Germany. Her major is chemical engineering, major she had been dreaming of, at least since we met each other. And I know she is going to be a good engineer :)

Freshman Institute
In comparison to my senior high, this step was pretty easy. Thank God I didn't have to redo the english exam and that they accepted my IELTS Certificate. So, I graduated with good score. Thank you to my german teachers. Really they are awesome.

FH Aachen
yuhuu: Bachelor of Engineering :) Biomedical engineering, the major I took 3 years ago, just simply it sounded pretty äämm complicated. Haha. But the deaf people, they are inspiring. Thanks to them I could finish the study. Having my own aim, my own ambition 5 cm in front of my forehead. My surrounding is supporting to study, comfortable. I've been all the time busy with important and unimportant stuffs. Haha. I rarely felt bored.

Soooo,, I need to sleep. Counting cells tomorrow morning and I haven't packed for the trip to Hannover. Tomorrow I'm going to Hannover,yeay! Andreas is doing defence, I just want to be there, as a listener.

Mittwoch, 28. August 2013

#21 How I hope my future will be like

Spannendes Thema! Exciting theme :)

Well, actually some hopes are written already in this blog (see the tab Life Resolusion).
But at the moment I kinda have 2 dreams how to live my life:

First, find a job one year- two years, resign. Apply for Indonesia mengajar.
Back to Indonesia one year. Back tp Germany doing master. Getting married.

Second, do internship til the end of June. Remastering english, getting IELTS of 6.5.
Applying for both scholarship and Indonesia Mengajar. Back to Indonesia celebrating silver anniversary of my parents. Travel around Indonesia. How long? depends on, wheather I get Indonesia Mengajar or the scholar.

By chance, I will do the driving exam. I still also want to travel to US, seeing Disneyland (oh, maybe that can be the honeymoon trip haha).
Getting married in the age of 25, probably. Marrying a german, maybe? hoho.
Have 3 cute kids and a gentle lovely husband and living in small comfortable house.

The other things? Let life suprise you (and me) :)

Dienstag, 27. August 2013

#20 My Fears

I always thought that I'm brave enough to face a new world by myself, like me, when I was moving to Germany almost four years ago. I thought if I have to move somewhere, I don't have anything to loose.
In fact, at the moment I'm having the same feeling like I had about six/seven years ago, when David, Andre and the other friends were moving out for the study (well, in fact now that I'm the farest among all). I might be brave of moving out. But I'm scared of changes! And this is the most horrible feeling I ever had. Feeling of being left. I'm afraid, everything is not going to be the same when he/she is not there anymore. The feeling that I might cry the loudest. Something that pushes me to go out of the box again. Sometimes is not so nice. Like how I feel comfortable right now with the people in Jülich or in the lab where I work. But knowing that some people or actually one will not be there from next month, that scares me a lot. and I don't know wheather I have to stay or leave :( I hope he's not leaving.

Montag, 26. August 2013

#19 Five Items I Lust for

1.  New bike
If I can't get my bike repaired. Well, I'm still able to ride it at the moment, but I want to travel also with it. And since I can't break reasonably, I won't imagine myself riding on a bike tour.

2. Music room and workshop in my house

3. Ticket to go around the world

4. Pintu ke mana saja
Let's imagine something silly for a while. Pintu ke mana saja= door to everywhere. But I trully need this. If people have this, actually there wouldn't be traffic jam at all. Just make a wish, open the door and tadaaa! you're there!

5. Money tree
to realize all the things! ;)

Freitag, 23. August 2013

#18 A problem that I have had

Talking about problem that one has had, is sometimes a shame, ha?
I feel not to talk about this. Not mentioning that I don't want to learn from the problem. I did. But sometimes talking about problems is like scratching the old wound.

Oh but maybe I can find one memory.
My problem was I didn't know which study to choose.
If I like it, then my parents always had another reason, why I shouldn't take it.
So the other choices are majors that I had blacklisted.

But the one I chose was really a good one. I love it.

Donnerstag, 22. August 2013

Les Miserablés

Na endlich! Nachdem ich die Schule verlassen habe, habe ich jemanden gefunden, der auch Les Miserablés hört!!


#17 Something I'm proud of

I'm proud of.....

....having a clever li'l brother. He might not born genious, but he's so diligent that you can't imagine. I always envy that. And he's going to be a doctor! He may be then the first doctor in my generation, since I studied biomedical engineering, my eldest cousin is psycholog and my the other cousins study economics and engineering.

...having supportive parents. Actually I'm a lucky daughter, whose parents allow to school abroad alone. Just recently, I think they have to know as well, how I plan my life to look like. final score :P God, who has His own plan which I believe it has to be good. Just like when He brought me to the lab meeting and arranged that I will be supervised with my super genious ex-physics teacher for my bachelor's project. Everything has been arranged. In His time :) Just wait and see. In the time you see His way, then you will feel proud of yourself to have believed on your God :)

Mittwoch, 21. August 2013

#16 Something I always think "what if" about..

What if the universe doesn't support me to say to him that I adore him?
I'm currently in my biggest fear of loosing somebody. And I realize that I'm now totally scared of changes.
I know that everything might not be the same in 2 weeks. Everybody moves on, everybody is moving, except me :( How is it like to stay in the lab without somebody, I always depended on.

Jangan pergi dulu dong :(((

Montag, 19. August 2013

#15 My horoscope and if its personality fits me

I'm a sagittarius girl. According to sagittarians are:
Inquisitive and energetic, the Sagittarius is the traveler of the Zodiac. Their philosophical, broad-minded approach to life motivates them to wander far and wide in the search for the meaning of life. Extroverted, optimistic, and enthusiastic, it can be almost impossible to keep the Sagittarius down. They love change. In fact, change is essential for this sign to feel their best.
Great sense of humor true
idealistic  true
generous  true
Will say anything no matter how undiplomatic hehe yeah I still learn not to say everything
promises more than can deliver hmm jein, have tried to avoid this actually
can be impatient to the point of rudeness totally
Charismatic marks:
Open and interested    yes!
Generally tall   no!
strong legs  not really
Clothes for comfort, not style yes (but this is ironic actually)
Women act in a "tomboy" manner  not really
Travel, being outdoors, freedom, philosophy     A BIG TRUE
Details  Yeah I'm not so detail
being constrained  TRUE
clingy people    never have such people in my life
Best environment:
Outside, on the move yes

Freitag, 16. August 2013

#14 What I wore today

Aha, this is easy.

I wore:

  • navy blue jeans
  • navy blue t-shirt 
  • grey pullover
  • my sagittarius necklace
  • watch
  • glasses (like always)
  • leather shoes
  • pajama

Donnerstag, 15. August 2013

#13 My Body and how I feel comfortable about it

As you see in previous picts how do I look like. I feel in German totally comfortable with my body. Hahaha. In Indonesia I feel soo... fat. :P It's so. I don't know.

I feel generally comfortable, just sometimes feel that my tights are too big *they really are* and I'm too short. Well, reminding you that I'm dancing with Andreas, who is 185cm tall. and I'm just 150cm tall, so even 7cm high-heels don't help much. But I'm enjoying dancing with him a lot. A LOT :) *I hope he feels also the same*

Yes and I wish also too bit a little bit thinner, just as simple as that my weight is going over the body mass index. It has never been in the green area whole of my life. It was in the red area, and now in the yellow. I still want to bring it in the green zone. Keep the fingers crossed. Haha :)

Mittwoch, 14. August 2013

Jetzt ist es Sommer

Photo of the day!

Drilinge! Special edition!

Ich kann kaum erwarten, diese Fotos auch selbst zu posten. Ich find die Photosession heute ganz geil. So here they are! Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..!!

#12 Five guys whom I find attractive

This is topic is really unclear, whether I should talk about famous people or just generally. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Ok, let's just mixed it. Haha. But please don't take it seriously, cause my list can be change ANYTIME. hahaa

1. Johnny Depp
Absolute! Don't ask! He is too AWESOME.

2. Joris Gratwohl
He is playing as Alex Behrend in Lindenstraße. He is HANDSOME. And in his role, he is a SWEET husband. If I know kind of this person, I will absolutely fall in love with him.

3. Valentin Schreyer
He plays the role of Ben. He is SEXY. In his role, nobody would expect that he is so fatherly and faithful. But too many sex scenes. Haha.

4. Josh Groban
He is CUTE. and has such an angel voice. so touching :*

5. Colm Wilkinson
He is CHARMING. eventhough he is getting older now :( but he's still my favorite Jean Valjean and my favorite musical singer :)

At the end, I didn't mix, did I? Hahaa. Just keep the other list for my own ;)

Dienstag, 13. August 2013

#11 My Family

Indonesian ideal families from my year mean two-kid-politics, and my parents are so good citizen :P

My family members are papi, mami, me and Galih. If I would describe my family, I can't describe it as person, but family as a unit. We're covering other's weakness with strength and supporting each other morally/spiritually. We are not perfect, but my parents always teach me, that family's problems is not a public consume, so just keep it secret for ourself.

My parents live in Bekasi still. My brother and I live in Germany. We still try to be open to each other. Though I realized, that I start to filter what to tell. Well, my parents did no wrong, just I need a space to grow a space for this "trial and error". Sometimes I just got screamed by them. And that became so depressive somehow.

But still, I'm grateful for who my family are. They care of me, they are the persons who won't lie or give fake suggestions / answers. They will never pretend saying, if I did something wrong.

And my parents are awesome! You know why? My pap works so hard so that he could save some money, so my brother and I can study abroad. My mom also. She let and allow us go abroad for the chance to get better education. Sometimes -especially for girls- parents will not allow her to live abroad by themselves, right?

Montag, 12. August 2013

#10 Put my shuffle on and write the first ten songs that play

1. Haven't met you yet - Michael Bublé
2. Super-Duper-Man - ToyBox
3. Summertime (Porgy&Bess) - Charlotte Church
4. Blow Me (One Last Kiss) - Pink
5. Butiran Debu - Terry
6. Disney medley - Lea Salonga
7. You'll Never Walk Alone - Michael Ball
8. Defying Gravity - Kristin Chenoweth & Idina Menzel
9. Mata, Hati, Telinga - Maliq n d'Essentials
10. Angel - Jackie Evancho

Samstag, 10. August 2013

#9 How Important I Think Education is

Haha, this topic really suits the condition, ha? I just finished my bachelor. Finally. Oh ya, don't forget there are 2 kinds of education: formal and informal. Let's talk first about the formal one.

For me it's quite important to finish the formal education. Finish what you've started. You know why formal education is important? It can somehow determine how your future (even your love life future) looks like. The better the quality and the higher the education,the better the quality of your future life. Well, education is not the only thing. It's just one of them. For men it's also better to achieve higher education, hehe, because women like me, want to marry men with at least same degree. Otherwise, the chance of divorce is greater than it should be. Oh, one more thing, it's also nice to go abroad studying to get yourself more open minded because of the diversity of the culture.

The informal education comes from the family. So parents aren't just only responsible to prepare enough money for their kids to live good, but they are more responsible to teach their kids manners, how to solve problems of life, give constructive critics and suggestion, to be there for their kids and make sure that their kids also feel loved by them, so their kids grow in condusive and comfortable circumstance.

Bachelor of Engineering



Durchschnittsnote: 1,91
Kolloquium: 1,0
Bachelorarbeit: 1,0

God (of course), who'd heard my prayer
Peter Linder (meinem Betreuer und meinem Prüfer)
Ilya Digel (mein Prüfer)
Vlady, Andreas, Gregor, Dariusz, PeterK, Sabine, Robin, Matthis, Nina, PeterJ. (oje wer war denn noch da)-- fürs Kommen und die Zusammenfeier beim Mittagessen, hat auf jeden Fall Spaß gemacht :)
Corinna, Stephan -- für die Hilfe bei dem Probevortrag
meiner Familie und Judith -- für die Kerze :)

Ich habe euch lieb <3 p="">

Montag, 5. August 2013


Liebe Leute,

BLOGPAUSE. bis nach dem Kolloquium.
Es tut mir leid.

Samstag, 3. August 2013

#8 What I ate today

1. Kartoffelauflauf
with Beef meat. Home made. Yummy....

2. Toast with fresh cheese and orange jam

3. Dry bread with guacamole

4. M&M :)))

Why I Should Go and Stay

Why I should go and dance.

I got a recall how scarying it was when my coach Andreas Manalu got mad, not on the corps but on me!
The most horrible thing ever, even til now. I was afraid on my sleeping, was afraid of air conditioner. AC just couldn't calm and cool me down. That feeling appeared 2 days long. I couldn't sleep, couldn't think clearly, I didn't even speak :( You know, if you don't speak and don't think then you can't sing neither. So, I was saved by the traditional dance class. I think it's what people called passion.

Can it save me also on the day before defence?

#7 Five Pet Peeves

1. He/she doesn't finish their meal or so picky in eating
It's not polite, I think. And also to eat just the half of what served, is not polite. As I was kid, my mom always told me that my mom's special dinner was one fried egg,which she had to share with the other 6 brothers n sisters. Or maybe it doesn't have something to do with politeness at all, but it's just to be grateful to what we've got..

2. He/she comes late or forgot the appointment
Someday he/she will know, how precious time is... "Time is gold, gold is money" :)

3. He/she speaks neither english nor german
speechless. what language I should use then!? body language (read: tarzan language)!? Hey at least you should be able to speak one of those languages if you decide to come and live in Germany. Otherwise it's a shame.

4. He/she can't follow the discussion or the conversation, but joining conversation with another non-sense topic.
In Indonesia there are some words to describe this: DODOL, LEMOT, or ONENG. At first it might be funny, after several times yeaah.. you guess.

5. Indonesian people who can't obey the rules.
This is somehow annoying and totally a shame. Especially on the plane. The typical thing happened that the wheels of the plane just touched down the earth. Some country people put off their seat belt, although they are able to see that the lamp showing "fasten your seat belt" is not turned off yet. and they start to stand up and take their luggage out from the cabin. Ohwei!

Donnerstag, 1. August 2013

Zum Heulen!!!!!

"Now life has killed the (bike tour) dream I dreamed... " ~Fantine, Les Misérables
Why some people are born to be so mean...
I swear, this is gonna be the last saddest thing that Jülich could give me!
:'(  :'(  :'(  :'(