Dienstag, 27. August 2013

#20 My Fears

I always thought that I'm brave enough to face a new world by myself, like me, when I was moving to Germany almost four years ago. I thought if I have to move somewhere, I don't have anything to loose.
In fact, at the moment I'm having the same feeling like I had about six/seven years ago, when David, Andre and the other friends were moving out for the study (well, in fact now that I'm the farest among all). I might be brave of moving out. But I'm scared of changes! And this is the most horrible feeling I ever had. Feeling of being left. I'm afraid, everything is not going to be the same when he/she is not there anymore. The feeling that I might cry the loudest. Something that pushes me to go out of the box again. Sometimes is not so nice. Like how I feel comfortable right now with the people in Jülich or in the lab where I work. But knowing that some people or actually one will not be there from next month, that scares me a lot. and I don't know wheather I have to stay or leave :( I hope he's not leaving.

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