Donnerstag, 27. Dezember 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Wishing everybody had a wonderful christmas joy and will have soon a pleasant new year's celebration.

I'm so sorry that I couldn't post anything since my arrival in Indonesia, but li'l snips snaps from me:

  • I got a theme for my bachelor thesis at the university.
  • I have eaten a lot during this four days.
  • I got my belated birthday and christmas present, like I have been wishing: DSLR :D
  • I want to congratulate PSUMB officially through my blog for winning 3rd prize on Grand Prix Marching Band - first division (Divisi utama), 2nd prize on generall effect, 3rd on field music, 3rd on solo keyboard percussion (Greta) 
  • I went to 1st mass on christmas night
  • I have taken care of my grandma during these 2 days
Photos are to be uploaded as soon as I can.

Well, I actually want to make a kind of  flashback from 2012, but maybe later, home is a bit sucks without wifi :( Anyhow, it will be recaped shortly on the next tab, so just check it out ;)

I'll see you soon, vellas! Adios 2012 :)

Montag, 10. Dezember 2012

Greetings from The Vikings!

Looking back to my recent postings, I saw no photos at all. So I thought, this might be a good time for "photos talk" :) Enjoy.

Yesterday I went to Siegburger Weihnachtsmarkt. Not that big, but comfy and unique. The seller told to come from the viking time, you know, the time with no electricity and meanings all stuffs done by hands. 

 If you don't know, merry go round might not come from mary poppin's time, but from the viking time. Of course, no royal horses like in Cinderella. Merry-go-round was made of wood. And one person has to turn the crank to run the merry-go-round. 
The wine bar. I got the feeling I was in a local bar in Hogwarts (unfortunatelly forgot the name). I mean the one which sells hot meth (honeywine). Delicioso!! By chance I will try the Love Potion (Liebesgetränk) next time.
This is the vikings' bakery. In 3 ovens with 3 shelves each  they put doughs in.

Dienstag, 4. Dezember 2012

Hfff Another 3,0

Gila, terus aja koleksi nilai 3,0... *buang ke tong sampah aja ni studium #sigh*

Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2012


Heyyyyy why are you so shy...............
just want to get to know you better :)

Ask me to go out, text me more
about anything!! anything! as simple as that :)

Samstag, 24. November 2012

Kepada Yth. Bapak Marzuki Alie

saya membaca beberapa artikel yang dimuat di harian online Tempo beberapa hari yang lalu mengenai konflik antara PPI Berlin(Jerman) dan DPR RI menyangkut kunjungan studi banding ke lembaga DIN. Tanpa mengurangi rasa hormat saya kepada lembaga legislatif Republik Indonesia, saya ingin menyampaikan beberapa poin berikut.

"Marzuki Alie meragukan apa yang dilaporkan oleh PPI. Menurut dia, PPI seharusnya meminta penjelasan terlebih dahulu dari rombongan soal kunjungan kerja tersebut. Dia mengatakan, aksi PPI menguntit anggota DPR dan menolak berdiskusi seperti ini tidak mencerminkan sikap sebagai intelektual." (Sumber:

1. Beberapa bulan yang lalu, kira-kira bulan April 2012, PPI Berlin/ PPI Jerman sudah menolak 'mentah-mentah' kedatangan DPR RI ke Jerman. Kali ini DPR RI datang ke tempat yang sama -menurut saya- dengan tidak belajar dari pengalaman yang lalu tentang kemungkinan diintai oleh mahasiswa. Persiapan anggota DPR yang datang studi banding lagi-lagi tidak matang dan menuai cemooh dari pihak mahasiswa Jerman. Di sini saya tidak ingin menyetujui tindakan anggota PPI yang mengintai bapak-bapak pejabat saat sedang beristirahat (baca: berbelanja). Saya menghargai privasi para anggota selama jam yang dipakai untuk berbelanja memang bukan jam kerja. Jika Bapak mengatakan cara kami tidak seperti mahasiswa intelek, silakan bapak pertimbangkan poin saya berikutnya.

"Kalau DPR tidak boleh studi banding ke luar negeri, kenapa mereka tidak belajar di Indonesia saja? Di Indonesia juga banyak universitas bagus, ilmunya juga lengkap," "Kenapa mereka juga tidak belajar dari Internet saja? Ngapain jauh-jauh keluar negeri? Ngabisin devisa negara saja," Sumber:

2. Dari kalimat Bapak, saya bisa memastikan, kalau Bapak bukan alumni Gontor. Menurut novel "Negeri 5 Menara" karangan Ahmad Fuadi, dijelaskan bahwa Islam bahkan menyarankan umatnya untuk merantau. Saya menilai ucapan bapak ini sangat tidak mencerminkan intelektualitas seorang pemimpin. Kami di sini belajar bukan hanya dari ilmu yang kami dapatkan di universitas, tetapi juga ilmu tentang kehidupan, yang kami dapatkan melalui pergaulan di dunia internasional. Kami banyak belajar bagaimana berkomunikasi dengan mahasiswa dari mancanegara. Banyak dari kami belajar di luar negeri dengan cita-cita kembali ke Indonesia, membangun Indonesia menjadi lebih baik, tapi saya dengan berat hati mengatakan ucapan bapak cukup mendemotivasi kami (termasuk saya). Selain sarana dan pra sarana dari pemerintah yang tidak memadai, dengan ucapan bapak barusan, tidak heran bahwa banyak ilmuwan cerdas Indonesia yang enggan kembali ke Indonesia dan justru memajukan negeri orang. Dengan begitu, tidak layak jika pemerintah mengkritik orang-orang cerdas Indonesia,mengapa tidak mau kembali ke tanah air.

3. Mengenai devisa negara, mungkin Bapak bisa memberikan definisi lebih jelas mengenai pemahaman bapak tentang devisa negara. Yang saya tangkap di sini, mungkin maksud bapak menghabiskan devisa negara karena uang dari orang tua kami yang melayang ke bank-bank internasional, bukan bank-bank nasional ya? Atau saya salah tangkap mungkin? Setau saya, kami belajar di sini tidak mendapatkan bantuan dari pemerintah Indonesia. Dana pendidikan justru datang dari pemerintah Jerman. 8000€ mereka keluarkan dari pajak masyarakat Jerman untuk membiayai 1 MAHASISWA selama 1 SEMESTER. Apakah saya hanya tidak melihat di mana andil Indonesia dalam hal ini? Pernyataan bapak di sini lagi-lagi sangat tidak intelek.

4. Kami di sini tidak belajar hanya dari internet. Tetapi internet di sini adalah sarana pendukung kami untuk belajar, mencari tahu apa yang belum pernah kami ketahui sebelumnya. Misalnya ketika saya tidak mengetahui apa yang dikerjakan lembaga DIN, maka sebaiknya saya mencari tahu dulu apa itu DIN melalui internet. Sisanya baru dilanjutkan dengan perdalaman ilmu melalui buku, bertanya kepada pihak yang tepat atau studi banding. Itu baru namanya belajar, Pak. Saya rasa di Indonesia banyak orang yang bisa berbahasa Jerman, mau dan bisa 'kan bapak bayar satu orang penerjemah?

5. Fakta bahwa anggota-anggota DPR yang dikirim tidak mampu berbahasa Inggris, sangat memalukan. Mungkin ada baiknya Indonesia menetapkan standar yang lebih tinggi untuk mencalonkan seseorang menjadi pemimpin.

6. Mahasiswa yang kritis adalah mahasiswa yang mempunyai potensi untuk berkembang dan mengembangkan sesuatu untuk lingkungan sekitarnya. Mahasiswa yang kritis adalah mereka belajar dari kebaikan dan kesalahan bapak/ibu perwakilan rakyat saat ini, untuk nantinya menjadi pemimpin rakyat yang lebih baik. Mahasiswa Indonesia tetaplah warga Indonesia, warga yang aspirasinya harus didengarkan oleh perwakilan rakyat. Kritik yang datang, seharusnya bisa menjadi bahan pembelajaran bagi anggota perwakilan rakyat, bukan justru dibalas dengan kritik yang tidak berkesudahan. Seorang pemimpin yang baik adalah seorang pemimpin yang suportif: mau menerima kritik dan tidak sungkan untuk meminta maaf ketika melakukan kesalahan, pemimpin yang berpikir dulu sebelum membuka mulutnya, apalagi di depan media massa.

Sekian poin-poin yang ingin sampaikan. Mudah-mudahan kunjungan DPR RI berikutnya lebih dapat mencerminkan intelektualitas bangsa Indonesia. Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.

Hormat saya,
Felicia Primadita

Dienstag, 20. November 2012

Are you worth enough?

Women and men usually make their standards of choosing their partner of life. Just be honest. I made it, too. But I felt slapped hard enough after reading Mario Teguh's wall:

ASIMH (Awas Status Ini Mengandung Humor):

Om, kapan aku boleh jatuh cinta? 
Berhati-hatilah, anak muda belum bisa membedakan cinta dan kesukaan yang akut. 

Kesukaan yang akut: 
Model handphone yang baru, sangat diinginkan, cepat dilupakan saat ada yang baru. 

Tetap menggunakan telepon model lama. (Tapi mungkin itu masalah uang yang kurang – he he …) 

Om, kalo aku terlalu memilih pasangan, salah gak?
Ya, karena TERLALU memilih menjadikanmu TIDAK TERPILIH.

Orang yang terlalu memilih, membuat orang lain menjadi kritis tentang KEPANTASAN-NYA untuk DIPILIH.

Orang akan bilang:
Pilih-poloh-pilih-poloh, you sendiri pantas dipilih gak? Ora nyebut!

Aku maunya cewe yang cakep, pinter, kaya, Miss Mojokerto, anggun, dan penurut.
Hmm … dia mau nggak sama kamu?

Om Mario, kenapa ya? kalo orang cakep, pinter, sukses itu – rata-rata sombong?
Alhamdulillah … saya tidak.

Mario Teguh – Loving you all as always


Somehow, I come to one point of reflection. On my list I made, I wrote that my future husband must have a better level of education than mine. Well, I learned that from my last relationship. I just realized, it can't be that it comes just from my point of view, hä? I'm getting to know someone at the moment. Well, I knew that he got his diplom (eq. indonesian S2/Master) for long time I guessed, and I just knew that he's on his way to get his doctoral title (eq. indonesian S3). Then I get it why he suggested me to take master directly after finishing bachelor. Not only he, but also the others. 

I think, if I want to take him seriously, then it might be his standard of choosing women. Does it make sense for you? I mean, if I want a husband with at least one title higher than me, then it could also happen, that he wants also a wife that maximum one title lower. Right right right?

I'm picky, so I should also made out of myself that worth to be chosen.

Good luck with your love life, friends :)

Montag, 19. November 2012


Tampaknya minggu ini akan menjadi minggu yang baik :)
(Tumben, minggu yang baik adalah minggu tanpa gitarrenkurs haha)

I'll try my best ;)

Sonntag, 11. November 2012

Aachener Wochenende

Ga tau mau cerita dari mana. haha. Heute ist noch Samstag, aber ich fühle mich heute wie Sonntag. Hab gestern meine Nacht in Aachen verbracht, alles was ich gestern gemacht habe, wäre wahrscheinlich in Indonesien nur am Samstag Abend gemacht. Deswegen ist es mir heute wie Sonntag (was eigentlich ziemlich schreklich ist, weil ich immer denke, dass ich morgen schon zur FH muss. haha)

Gestern fand die RWTH Wissenschaftnacht statt. Ich wollte die Institute zuschauen und nach Chancen suchen um irgendwo ein Praktikum zu machen. War aber anders als gedacht. Bin mit Aryanti und seinem Freund, Rüdiger, ins Jazzkonzert von RWTH Big Band gegangen. Da blieben wir von 20-22 Uhr. Es war echt ein tolles Konzert. War voll beeindruckt, vor allem mit der E-Bassspielerin. (sieht ganz hübsch aus, voll talentiert und kann auch Kontrabass spielen, voll krass!) Demnächst guckten wir auch in die Wunderkammer der Helmholtz Institute ein. wahrscheinlich nur 15 Minuten oder so.

Jetzt kommt das Thema Aachener Wochenende. Aryanti möchte mir das beste Bier der Welt zeigen: Eiflebier. Intinya: kita pergi ke bar. Die Kneipe war voll angenehm, ziemlich klein, keine laute Musik. Da saßen schon Thomas und David. Also waren wir doch schon ne größere Gruppe. und ich war ja praktisch die einzige Jülicher da zwischen den Aachenern :P Aryanti hat uns 3 Bier bestellt. Mein aller erster Schluck Bier. Ah nee, zweite, hab vor 2 Jahren Weizenbier von Christoff probiert. Auf jeden Fall nur einen Eindruck hatte ich: BITTER. Hab wahrscheinlich nur ein viertel von dem 0,5L-Bier getrunken. Den Rest übernahmen Aryanti und Rüdiger ;) Payah. hahaha. Es kam vor mich plötzlich ein Glas mit dunklem Schnaps. Hmm hmm. Schmeckt besser --> ganz falscher Satz, hä? Thomas hat sich entschieden, nach Hause zu gehen, um Schnaps zu holen. Aha. Dann kamen das zweite und das dritte. war schon schwindelig. Anschließend noch ein Glas Calva"blabla". Zum Glück war das das letzte. Ich konnte nur schrag gehen. Ich mein' das ernst. erstes Mal besoffen sein. Letztes Mal in Holland hab ich nur wenig getrunken. Die Party war ja auch direkt zuhause, ich konnte mein Bett ganz schnell erreichen. Diesmal doch nicht. Ich musste die Hand von Aryanti festhalten, weil wir noch zum Pommesbude gingen. Erst um 02:20 Uhr waren wir bei Rüdiger.

Heute war der indonesische Tag in Aachen. Da tanzten Aryanti und ich mit. Ich spielte auch Angklung noch am Ende. Auf jeden Fall ist das Publikum von uns verzäubert worden. Da ist ein Problem aufgetaucht worden. Kurze Zusammenfassung: ich hab dieses Wochenende 2 neue Freunde und gleichzeitig 2 alte Freunde verloren. Tragisch eigentlich. Indonesier können manchmal schon komisch sein. Manche Indonesier mögen wirklich, kompliziert zu sein oder Feindeschaft anstatt Freundschaft zu verbreiten. Wirklich komisch. Hoffe, das wäre kein indonesischer Prototyp, sonst bin ich keine Indonesierin mehr :/ Naja vergiss es. Ich hatte sowieso ein schönes Wochenende mit Aryanti, Rüdiger, Thomas und David. Owja übrigens, Thomas sah heute gut aus. Seine Kette hat er wahrscheinlich gut versteckt ;)

Mittwoch, 7. November 2012


After last sad post, I should post something better today. And it was.....
skyping with Tijsini!! Gregor's Dutch Version. haha. Finally after weeks :D
(wie peinlich, er hat meine Wäsche gesehen, muahahaha)

Dienstag, 6. November 2012

Belajar Untuk Bangkit

"Maybe it's just not my day". Ach, lagi-lagi Ausrede..

Saya hanya menghibur diri sendiri lagi dengan kalimat itu. No, I don't think I'm gonna use that sentence.
Kemarin saya baru aja ngobrol sama Intan. Pertanyaan dia simpel, "nyesel ga sih kak kuliah di Jerman?"
Saya dengan mantapnya kemarin menjawab "gak". 

Tiba-tiba hari ini menerima 2 kabar yg ga terlalu mengenakkan:
1. lamaran buat jadi asisten lab SRT ditolak
2. acara rabu besok utk bisa dapat informasi dari Olympus dibatalkan

Masih kekeuh sama jawaban saya? Iya kok. Tapi sedih banget rasanya euy. Pasalnya ini kerjaan adalah salah satu langkah mewujudkan resolusi saya tahun ini. Setelah kemarin proposal utk beasiswa dari FH ditolak (lagi), Papi bilang nilai saya terlalu buruk untuk mendapat sebuah kerjaan, nah hari ini ditambah kerjaan akhirnya malah dapat penolakan, sedih banget rasanya. 

Banyak yang bilang, kalo ingin sesuatu, doain, doain. Ini udah didoain di rosario, misa, tapi kok ga dapat juga.. Rasanya sebel, pengen marah, tapi masa iya marah sama Tuhan. Punya hak apa gw..? Mungkin ini yang namanya Tuhan lagi buka jalan untuk sesuatu yang lain. I'll keep on searching, God. Bantu saya untuk bangkit lagi, Tuhan..

Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2012

Tahu Diri

Kenapa sedih banget ya dengerin lagu ini.... :(
Hai selamat bertemu lagi. Aku sudah lama menghindarimu
Sialku lah kau ada di sini

Sungguh tak mudah bagiku
Rasanya tak ingin bernafas lagi
Tegak berdiri di depanmu kini

Sakitnya menusuki jantung ini melawan cinta yang ada di hati

Dan upayaku tahu diri tak slamanya berhasil, 
‘pabila kau muncul terus begini
Tanpa pernah kita bisa bersama
Pergilah, menghilang sajalah lagi

Bye, selamat berpisah lagi

Meski masih ingin memandangimu
Lebih baik kau tiada di sini
Sungguh tak mudah bagiku 

Menghentikan segala khayalan gila jika kau ada 
dan ku cuma bisa, meradang menjadi yang di sisimu
Membenci nasibku yang tak berubah

Dan upayaku tahu diri tak slamanya berhasil, 
‘pabila kau muncul terus begini
Tanpa pernah kita bisa bersama
Pergilah, menghilang sajalah lagi

Berkali-kali kau berkata cinta tapi tak bisa

berkali-kali ku telah berjanji menyerah

Dan upaya ku tahu diri tak selamanya berhasilDan upaya ku tahu diri tak selamanya berhasil
‘pabila kau muncul terus begini
Tanpa pernah kita bisa bersama
Pergilah, menghilang sajalah
Pergilah, menghilang sajalah
Pergilah, menghilang sajalah lagi

Montag, 29. Oktober 2012

Papa Said...,

I was on skype again with my parents and the discussion always ends up like this:

Papa: "How much did you spend for the ticket back home?"
Me   : " xxx €, Pap."
Papa: "I'll give you back when you're here, okay?"
Me  :  "You really don't have to worry about the money, I still have a lot from you, and it's enough for at least 6 months. It was just a pity that the application for my FH-scholarship was rejected again."
Papa: "You applied for FH-scholarship?"
Me  : "Yeah, like last year, still end up in the same way"
Papa: "Why was it rejected?"
Me  : "I don't know, maybe I'm not good enough"
Papa: "How good is your score now?"
Me  : "Well, I've counted.. I have about 1,9......."
Papa: "Almost 2. Ha (no wonder), that's not good. How can you get any job there (or here) with that score. You should at least get not worse than 1,5"

I'm almost dead to hear this.

(My papi is comparing my score with indonesian IPK-System and with my brother's score)

Der Interkulturelle Begegnungstag

(English: The intercultural meeting).

Jülich, 27. Oktober 2012. Learn indonesian and german culture through the eyes of the native. That was the theme of day. Three days ago I was still nervous thinking of the preparation for this big day, 85% thinking of the event, 15% of something else that's gonna happen in the event (if you know what I mean).But we managed it. The presentation from Lilian was awesome, we started 30 minutes late and the whole presentation took much longer than we thought, the audience loved it, and lots of facts presented which have made the audience agape. I find it though a bit embarassing that it had been stated several times that indonesians are not on time, since I've tried my best to be on time (since I live in Germany) :P However, I should agree with those good and bad facts of indonesian behaviors :) People were then invited to taste the indonesian "jajanan pasar"(snacks) like pisang aroma(I gotta find this again in December!), lumpia ayam,siomay goreng, risoles, bakwan, bolu kukus, pisang goreng. Then the workshop began, Darwin started with the angklung workshop. It was too fast I guess, I didn't know why.  I thought it's gonna be at least 30 minutes. But he did that good (we've practice on Friday night, gees!) and the audience enjoyed a lot, because they found out that it was easy and fun to play. Varun from India said that angklung is the first music instrument that he can play in his life :D After a short break came the saman workshop. I started with some introduction, then we showed the dance, taught the audience one kind of movement. They love it! We got even request to dance once more :)

For myself, I even learned lots of thing. I still have to learn more to make decisions. I can't generalize indonesian as unreliable, because those who have worked with me til the end of the day are people whom I can trust. The event was also really important, due to the fact that that was informal "proof", that I can lead people on my way, and not on somebody's way leading (which sometimes made me trully sick, because they pushed me to be like them and kinda convinced that with my way of leading people, I'm going to be a good leader). I realize that mine is not perfect. I believe as well, that  those people have learned so much in their life, and have never been a great leader that instantly, so please just let me learn from my mistakes and let me try to fix it rather than telling not to do this and that,which just made me scared to make my first step.

Nevertheless, I have to thank some people: Nandea Dewanta and Darwin Jahja, for all the time, energy and big big help. I couldn't do all the stuff on my own, I'm nothing without your help. Big big thanks! Lilian for the really nice presentation and for bringing up the mood of the public, especially  the ideas to make this day happened! KMKI to have lent me the angklungs. Alexander Peters to have helped a lot with stuffs and transporting the angklung to FH and from FH. Barbara Biel who trusted me to organize the day. Intan and Ola who helped with cooking.Saman and angklung-team: Nandea, Darwin, Aryanti, Ai, Aya, Intan,Ola, TR, Boma, Wicak. Mbak Erna, Tante Herni and Mbak Ira for preparing the foods. Ka Rizky for designing the pretty poster. I also like to thank everybody who came yesterday. I really appreciate it :) You made my day :D

For more photos you can find it here:

The video is as special thanks to Boedi :)

Samstag, 20. Oktober 2012

Christi's Farewell

Lunch at chinesische Mauer, which was crazily EXPENSIVE! But we had -thanks God- a good day, good company, good lunch, good weather and good farewell photos.
 Freshman generations: 
Nandea (2010), Dita (2009), Christi (2008), William (2011), Darwin (2011)

Freitag, 12. Oktober 2012

Die Frage ist, ob ich das schaffe..

Was bleibt noch übrig...
wenn ich ihn schon anderthalb Jahr mag, aber er kennt mich mit Namen sogar noch nicht mal ein Jahr
wenn er tatsächlich alle Frauen ohne Auto nach Hause mitnimmt
wenn er gar nichts merkt, wie ich ihn ganz anders behandelt
wenn er keine Frau haben möchte
wenn er gar nichts merkt, weil ich ihm zu jung wäre
wenn er nie für mich da ist.. ?

dass er schon mein Leben mal bünter gemacht hat,
dass er eine große Rolle beim Gitarrenspielen spielt,
war was schönes.

Aber mein Leben muss weitergehen.
Ich muss ihn vergessen.
Ich halte noch ein Semester durch, dann haue ich von Jülich ab.

Und jetzt kommt der Titel

Sonntag, 7. Oktober 2012

Book Review: Negeri 5 Menara

This is the first book I finished this year (horrible me), after I read half biography of Merry Riana. Authored by Ahmad Fuadi, from West Sumatra, reporter of TEMPO Magazine as he dreamt, got 8 scholarships in several countries in Europe and the US.

My subjective rate is 8 from 10. This novel has some similarities to Andrea Hirata's novel "Laskar Pelangi". The strength of both book is they used celestial objects in their novel : rainbow and cloud. The friendship part is similar, the most genius people can't continue their school for a family reason. The idea of the story is actually not difficult as it is actually like his diary, but I really appreciate his effort to recall the memories which have past more than 20 years and bring it all into inspirative writing without patronizing people. I'm gonna predicate this novel as the most honest novel ever! Love it!

In my opinion, most of alumni will be -of course- proud of their ex-high school. They will say, "my school was the best high school ever". They can't actually judge something like that, just as simple because they had never gone to another school for the same level. But what I would say here is I like the school described by Ahmad Fuadi. It's Pondok Modern Gontor, by the way.

I'm unfortunately a female and catholic, to be honest I've never heard about this kind of school exists in Indonesia. But I really like the concept of the school, how the school educates the students. It is a full-time education. I was surprised that they're really not allowed to speak Indonesian. Only Arabic and English. I love the ideas about jasus, bulil alil, language comittee, security comittee, speech day, shaolin punishment, Class Six Show and the magic spell "man jadda wajana" (means: Everybody who makes every effort,will be success). Basically the students theirselves play a great role for the success of the school through participating in activities, obeying rules, respecting people,  learning hard, being a leader and an example for the younger.  I love his story about friendship (the saddest part of farewell has brought the novel to the fullest), Tyson and being punished, accepting something against his dream, dreaming, grabbing chances, believing. Even most of the homilies has inspired me!

So many things can be picked from the novels. Personally I learn not to stop dreaming. I learn to find out what I really want, listen what my heart desires, reach it, grab it with the help of God. Eventhough it's gonna take years, as it said before "man jadda wajana". If there is a will, there is a way :) Most important that the novel has opened my mind about moslem. I believe, it's gonna be pretty nice and peaceful if so many indonesian are like that. I can't wait to read the second part of this trilogy. Just a little note from me: if you're not a moslem and don't speak arabic, try to notice all noted arabic words, because the explanation of those words will not be repeated for the second time. Happy reading, people :)

Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2012

Galau Perkuliahan

Baru kali ini gw merasa kuliah lebih mengkhawatirkan daripada perjodohan. Masuk semester 5 itu bener2 dihantui banyak perasaan: senang, sedih dan galau. Hahah. Galau? warum?

Iya lah, gila ya ini semester blm mulai, gw dihantui ketakutan-ketakutan ga dapet Praktikumstelle yang pas dan bisa buat nulis Bachelorarbeit. Galau pertama. Si Herr Sieger jg ga ada kabar buat Hilfskraftnya. Galau kedua. Acara tgl 27 Oktober yang butuh konsentrasi lebih. KMKI yang harus diurus, at least 1 bln sekali. Galau ketiga dan keempat. Hadeeuuuhh.. Sebenernya gw cemas sih, karena gw merasa kecil, merasa ga mampu memasuki dunia kerja. Gawat banget.

Di tengah kegalauan ini, selalu aja ada jalan untuk kembali kepada Dia yang di atas. Dia yang maha pengatur. Misalnya nih, tiba2 ada Dewi yang nyapa di whatsapp buat ngrutinin rosario lg. Trus ada Boedi yang ingetin ttg segala2nya terutama masalah Einzelkämpferin, bgmn mengkoordinir ini itu. Baik ya Tuhan, aku masih punya temen2 yg walaupun jauh, tp masih saling support. Kalo mereka2 ini ada deket sini, Himmel abis deh bakalan :)

By the way, one of my good friends in Don Bosco, Roberta is leaving Holland this weekend. and I feel really bad that I can't be on her farewell party :( Bye-bye, Roberta! I've promised myself to see you again :') Good luck for your future life, sweetie!
I'll miss you, Robertini!!

And today I have to say "Happy Birthday" to YULIA FRANSISCA (Oct 3rd) and CORNELIUS SWIYANTO (Oct 4th)..! Have a great great birthday. May you reach everything what your heart desires. Yulia, I'll see you soon, ha? Cornel, come back here soon please, orelse I'll escape also to Dublin :P

Sonntag, 30. September 2012

Hello, New Semester!

Hi there, it has been a quite long time after my last post. I was busy with exams,well it was just 2 in September, but if you know me and my habbit during holidays,, haha,, it needed the whole day to get concentrate to the book lying in front of me. Horrible! In between I also went to the choir exercise in the university (unfortunatelly we were just 4 but it was nice and I love the songs we're gonna sing in the mass on Oct 14th).

Well, as I said, I have two exams in September: Cardiotechnic and Electronics. And I finally fixed my electronics score from 5,0 (failed) ---> 1,0. Hurraaaa!!! Cardiotechnic as usual needs a lot of time to be checked.

After cardiotechnic exam I had some free days before starting the new semester on (officially) Monday.
Visited Rita, checked.
Visited Hien, not yet :(
Helping during stadtrally, checked.
Standing chat with Ega, checked.
Practising Saman, checked.

I'm tired now. But I think I'm ready for the new semester. So, welcome you, 5th semester :)
I've registered for everything I want to take. Let see how it is going. Time goes fast, dear, I'm in my last year already ;)

Dienstag, 11. September 2012

I Wish You Were 10 Years Younger

People asked me lately, "do you have a boyfriend?"
I just answered lightly, "first money for the rent"

One day a friend came and pleased, just one night to sleep over
at night we talked bout a list, prince charming to be run after

Funny that I found you, cause you have almost all written
Butterflies while seeing you, but dating you is vorbidden

Reff :  I'm gonna hold your hand,
          I won't be afraid to kiss you, Dear
          My parents'll nick their head
          if you were 10 years younger..

Bridge :  Help me get rid of these butterflies,
              cause I can't stop admiring more than a minute
              cause I can't stop wishing that someday...

Reff :  I could, could hold your hand
          I won't afraid to kiss you, Dear
          My parents'll nick their head
          if you were 10 years younger..

[slow] If you were ten years younger, (I know) I just want to be with you...

can anybody help me with the music?

Dienstag, 4. September 2012

Menaklukkan Zugspitze dan Neuschwanstein

Tadi pagi baru aja aku kembali ke rumah. Tepat jam 7 pagi, setelah meninggalkan rumah hari Kamis. Perjalanan dimulai dengan mitfahr ke Stuttgart, mengunjungi Ka Ary.  Di Stuttgart kami muter2 di Stadtmitte, makan malam di resto cina (ya Tuhan, bebeknya enak bgt), liat red light districtnya trus minum wein (lupa lg jenisnya).Oh ya, sempet ketemu ka Musa juga di weinfest.

Besok paginya aku ketemu sama Kristanto Irawan Putra di Stuttgart. Dia datang dari Heidelberg dan akan menjadi partner in crime-ku dalam perjalanan kali ini. Perjalanan menjadi lebih panjang, karena kereta mengalami gangguan,kami diturunkan di sembarang tempat sehingga jadwal ketibaan kami menjadi terlambat. Namun pemandangan di Bayern sungguh menakjubkan. Kami sibuk ber'wah-wah' ria di kereta.

Jam 18.30 kami tiba di tempat camping Braun. Pemiliknya bapak tua, kelihatannya baik. Beliau menunggu kami datang dan menjelaskan singkat segala yg perlu kami tau di tempat camping. Setelah bapak itu pergi, kami mulai membongkar tenda. Hujan. Setengah jam, tenda belum berdiri tegak sama sekali. Kami masih sibuk meraba-raba, ini harus diapain, itu harus diapain. Di sebelah kami berdiri juga sebuah tenda kecil. Pemiliknya sedang makan di seberang. Setelah setengah jam, si pemilik tenda dan pacarnya menawarkan bantuan. Dan tadaaaa tendanya jadi dalam waktu 5 menit saja, saudara-saudara! hahaha. Kris dan aku ga bisa berhenti mengetawai kegagalan kami. Malam hari setelah belanja di Aldi, kami  masak (dan makan),menyusun rencana dan ide2 untuk keesokan harinya dan meyakinkan Teja untuk menyusul kami ke Zugspitze (berhasil sebenarnya kalau saja si Teja kakinya tidak bengkak).

Keesokan harinya kami bangun jam 7 pagi, bersiap2 dan meninggalkan tenda kami. Belum sarapan bener2. Ternyata jalan kaki dari tempat camping ke stasiun Kreuzeckbahn, tidak sedekat yang kami bayangkan. Setelah 40 menit berjalan, akhirnya kami sampai juga. Kami membeli tiket, yang di luar dugaan kami, jauh lebih murah: 42,50€ harga student, bahkan untuk kedua gunung: Alpspitze dan Zugspitze. Pelajaran pertama: jangan lupa membawa kartu tanda pelajar ke mana pun kamu pergi. Kami punya waktu seharian dan hari itu benar-benar berkabut, jadi kami memutuskan untuk naik ke Alpspitze dulu, siapa tahu nanti siang kabutnya hilang dari Zugspitze ;) Di atas kami membuat semacam upacara bendera. Hihihi. Untungnya di sana ga terlalu rame. Berasa gunung milik kami aja. Sebelum jam 12 kami turun dan naik zahradbahn untuk sampai ke zugspitzplatt. Sakti sekali kereta ini bisa sampai ketinggian 2500 m-an lho. Happy banget sepertinya, bgitu keluar dari terowongan, putih semuaaaa!! wow! 5°C. Geht lah.. Kami merasa gerah! *sombong dot com* Puas main2,foto2 genit. Kami meneruskan perjalanan kami ke Zugspitze (2962m DAL) dengan gletscherbahn. Dingiiiinnn dan angin!! Beda bgt sm di Zugspitzplatt. Kami mengikuti panah ke Gipfel. Nah aku baru ngerti, ternyata untuk mencapai ketinggian asli 2962 m,kami harus memanjat. Tetoooottt.. Hari itu saljunya ruar biasa, walaupun bgitu tracknya tetap terlihat mengerikan ditambah papan yg bertuliskan "Anda meninggalkan zona aman, untuk ini Anda memerlukan perlengkapan pendakian dan pengalaman yang memadai". Dita jiper berat. Aku pake sepatu winter sih, tapi ini sama sekali buat perlengkapan hiking. Si Kris malah cuma pake sepatu olahraga biasa. Jelas ga memenuhi syarat. Tapi si kris semangat banget menghasut "ayo Dit, now or never nih". Iya juga sih. Kami berdoa dulu sebelum mulai. Jantung udah dag dig dug kenceng ga keru2an. Si Kris jalan duluan, cepet bgt pula.Karna belum makan, setengah trek udah lemes bgt. Gila ternyata tracknya bener2 menantang maut. Aku udah sempet kepleset dan bergelantungan di tali. Udah ga tau lagi gimana caranya naik (menyadari pantat saya berat dan biasanya ga kuat naikin pantat sendiri), tapi tiba2 ky enteng aja gtu, dpt kekuatan dari langit, dan akhirnya (dgn deg2an stgh mampus) nyampe atas juga dan bisa nyentuh itu gipfel. Thanks God. Dan akhirnya bisa balik lagi DENGAN SELAMAT. Terima kasih, Tuhan Yesus... Pelajaran kedua: thanx God salju, kalau ga salju dan kabut belum tentu aku sm Kris bakal berani naik, karena track aslinya terjal BANGET. Pelajaran ketiga: ada untungnya dompetnya Kris ketinggalan dan kameranya Kris rusak, jadi ga perlu ambil resiko buat kehilangan barang selama mendaki gipfel.

Dari gipfel kami masih penasaran cari tiang buat ngibarin bendera indo. Dan akhirnya sama bapak2 yang punya restoran di situ, kami boleh ngibarin bendera di tangga ke arah Ehrwald Tirol. Batere kamera abis, batere BB hampir habis, terpaksa kami berhenti dan pergi berbelanja *haha* sambil menunggu kereta gantung turun yg terakhir.

Kami kembali ke Kreuzeck untuk mengembalikan tiket kombi dan dengan perut keroncongan jalan kembali ke arah tempat camping. Belum ada 1 km, ibu2 yang jaga loket lewat di samping kami, dan menawarkan tebengan. Tentu ga ditolak! ;) Kita nanya2 juga tentang buffet dewa di chinese resto. Alhasil kami dibawa ke resto china. Walaupun itu bukan resto china yg kami maksud, tapi makanannya emang beneran enak sesuai yg dia bilang :) 

Walaupun ramalan cuaca bilang bakal hujan seharian, ternyata hari itu nyaris ga hujan. Pelajaran keempat: berdoalah sebelum pergi jalan2. Malam itu jadi lebih hangat. Sampai tenda, kami mandi, makan lagi. Aku sedikit benah2, karena besok mau pergi pagi, tas 75 l-ku talinya putus dan harus dipindahin ke tas baru yg muatannya cuma 22 l. eaaa.. Diskusi malam menentukan kapan besok musti berangkat dan bagaimana. Rencana awal kami berangkat dr Untergrainau ke Hohenschwangau (Neuschwanstein) jam 8.11. Tapi si bapak pemilik perkemahan baru akan datang jam 8.30 dan kami harus bayar dl. Bbrp kemungkinan disiapkan, ditambah dgn doa supaya si bapak besok agak pagian datangnya.

Betul saja, keesokan harinya kami selesai beres2 pukul 7.45. Sarapan di seberang sambil menunggu si bapak yg alhamdulillah datang jam 8.15. Jam 8.30 kami beres dengan pembayaran dan cepat2 kabur ke halte di seberang  perkemahan, menunggu bus 8.37. Schaffen. Kami ke Garmisch-Partenkirchen Bahnhof dan dari situ naik bus 2 jam ke Hohenschwangau. Untung naik bus, ya Tuhan, pemandangannya bagus banget sepanjang perjalanan..

Sampai di Hohenschwangau kami segera antri tiket, dan dapat jatah untuk masuk baru jam 13.40. Mbak yang jual tiket baik lho. Bawaan kami kan banyak banget, kami boleh titip di loket sampai sebelum pukul 17.45 :) Untuk mempersingkat waktu, kami naik bus ke atas dan jalan dulu ke Marienbrücke sblm ke Neuschwanstein. Ya ampun itu jembatan tinggi bgt. Fest sih fest, begitu diinjak, kayunya goyang2 ky mau patah. Sama aja seremnya ky kemarin. Di Neuschwanstein kami dgn super pede, bikin iri orang2, kami menggelar piknik. Hahaha. Maaf lapar, Sodara2! Di dalam Neuschwanstein ga boleh foto :( Tapi kami puas2in foto di luarnya. Apa aja yg bisa di foto kami foto :P Setelah itu, kami turun dgn kereta kuda, ambil barang,makan es krim dan memulai perjalanan pulang.

Lagi-lagi pelajaran yg tadi: berdoa dulu sebelum mulai jalan-jalan. Kali ini bener2 ga hujan dan keretanya pun lancar banget. Ngobrol sm Kris selama perjalanan pulang, asik banget. Ternyata si Kris ini hafal tentang zodiak2, waktu kita habis buat analisis zodiak dan unsur2nya. Kita sampai di Stuttgart jam 20.54, tp krn keretaku ke Mainz-Köln br jam 21.51, Kris ambil kereta jam 22.15 dan nemenin ngobrol dulu :) Kyna Tuhan emang tau ya aku sebenernya takut nunggu 3 jam di Köln Hbf. Aku ketiduran aja lho dan baru bangun, tepat pas keretanya ninggalin Mainz (seharusnya aku transit di Mainz). Untung ga dimarahin petugasnya, malah dicariin jalur balik ke Köln malam itu juga (walaupun musti muter2 Frankfurt, Mannheim dulu), dan akhirnya tanpa perlu tidur di stasiun, aku tiba di Köln Hbf jam 5.43, ke Düren jam 5.47, ke Jülich 6.17, semua cuma 4 menit transit! Luar biasa emang Tuhan Yesus. Pelajaran terakhir: jangan tidur di kereta pake soft lens.

Over all, I totally enjoyed the whole trip with Kris :) Seru, löhnt sich, banyak pengalaman n pikiran positif yg diambil dan banyak tuker pikiran juga. Thanks God, thanks Kristanto :)) 

Nantikan trip kami berikutnya :)

Foto: Kristanto & Dita

Mittwoch, 22. August 2012

You Turned The World Upside Down! part 2

As I told you before, I was working for the age group 13-15! My coordinator was Rianne (and Tijs). They are both dutches. I worked also with some dutch leaders: Marit, Robbert, Nick, Djuwi, Sander, Wouter and also with some EVSers: Gabriele/Lele, Alice, Miklos, Avto, Hildur, Khatia.

Left: Alice's Masterpiece .        Right: Basecamp of 13-15

Why did I choose to work with this group?
To work with people is to talk with them and I think this is the group, whose kids you can talk with, because most of them should be able to talk in english. At first I doubted that I can settle in this group because I don't know Rianne before. I just know Tijs. But then Andy convinced me (of course he had more knowledge and experience about this) by saying that Rianne is a good leader. So I just trusted him, and it is true!

13-15: the leaders and the kids

Who were in the group?
I should say that the kids in my group were good kids und unique. Some of them have autism, even though you will not recognize at a glance. We had 3 twins and 2 moslems. So here they are:
Bradley - Cassidy Groffen , Daphne
Iris - Marieke Hendriks
Sascha - Gigi
May and Marwa
Mitchell, J.P de Silva,Wesley
Mark, Jody, Steven, Romano
Naomi - Joelle - Leroy
Tamara - Damian
Sacha from Ukraine, Yannick
Felien, Christie, Kyra, Robin, Rebekka, Amber, Zoe

What did we do?
Dance workshop with Khatia, Karate workshop with Alice, theater workshop with Alice
Water day

Beach day
Drug Game
Baseball ala Nicky
Flag game with Avto and Khatia
Creative Day
EVS-Theme Day: cooking, face-painting, translating, sport games

 City safari
Casino day

Camp in Erbeek 5 days and 4 nights: 
greppeltocht, spoortocht (with horror stories in the forest), saman workshop, theater workshop, songwriting workshop, sports,
city safari and murder games in Zutphen,
swimming, dropping,
 clay workshop, 
bonte avond.

before leaving the camp place

Dienstag, 21. August 2012

You Turned The World Upside Down!

That was the theme of Vakantiebos 2012. Vakantiebos is a 3-week-annual holiday programm for kids arranged by Don Bosco Youthnet Netherlands. During Vakantiebos around 200 kids filled the youthcenter of Don Bosco everyday.

How did I know this programm? check this out and this

So, I get more curious about working here as a volunteer, in other hand I'm not sure that I could find a time to do long-term EVS (European Voluntary Service). Under Frater Andy's suggestion, I applied. So here I was landed to spend for 4 weeks of my holiday. Besides me there were around 30 volunteers from 15 european countries. So the house was pretty full. I got the room upstairs together with Rianne (believe me, it was the nicest room I ever got in Don Bosco and in my life).

I worked for the age group 13-15. Our work started on July 31st. Before that we had one week to get to know each other and to prepare the whole thing. I like the whole group, I mean those who lived with me in the house. For me they're just amazing, special, awesome and I can feel it that we were really completting each other. Well, I'm not a type of person who can get close to everybody so quickly. But still I think I made friends with most of them. So these are they!

Rianne Wanders. She is my group coordinator (a great one!) and my best rommie. I have a lot of respect to her. I'm grateful to be in her group(thanks frater Andy who conviced me), because she can make a good atmosphare for team work, she gave her member freedom to do something creative on our own but she accompanied us at the same time also. We had a lot of nice talks at night before sleeps. Small sharing and supported each other. So I missed her a lot after the camp because she didn't go back to Don Bosco.

Tijs Boorsma. I knew him since 2 years ago. I'm really glad to be in his group, at least I know one person in the group. So Rianne and Tijs are my coordinators so to say. Tijs is more like vice coordinator, but the combination between Tijs and Rianne was just PERFECT! Once I had to prepare the casino day. I really had no idea how it should look like. Tijs could make a perfect clear structured explanation!! Love it! He is amazing! Lucky Anna Holland has Tijs as boyfriend :) Ow yeah, at the last post, I promised you to tell a bit about Gregor in Dutch version. He is the one. The way he looks at somebody, the way he talks and the way he came up with solutions, couldn't make me stop shake my head and wonder "why why why they are so similar?"

Gabriele/ Lele.  This italian guy recognised me so fast at the first day. Nice one. My tandem partner. I was sometimes a li'l bit depending on him. We were also in the same age group. During the camp he teased the kids by saying that he has a twin called Rafaele. But the kids -I don't know why- couldn't pronounce Rafaele properly. They called him Rafayele instead, until once Sascha came with a note full of writing "Rafalele rafalele rafalele and asked me, "where is Ravioli?" Since then I called him also Ravioli. Lele is a calm and peaceful man. I've never seen him mad or angry. I like to have him as my big brother :)

Spela Boznar. She is the one who can stay longer in Don Bosco as long-term EVSer. I met her about one year ago. She is now much open than before, she laughs also more (I love her smile and her laugh). She was the coordinator of 11-12. And I envy her a lot because she speaks really good dutch. I hope she can stay a bit longer after vakantiebos :) or everything the best for her.

Stepan. He is from Prague (I may not say he is from Czech, haha). I met him in April or May for the first time. I haven't said this to anybody, but his english is much much better than before (so much better than me of course). Cool! He is such a hardworker, strength but big and warm hearted. He is studying social science, culture and something I forgot in September.

Spela is the one at the right end. Behind her is Miklos, to the left are Valerie and Stepan

Miklos. The hungry hungarian man! He really liked to tease me with his sex jokes. Crazy. Hahaha. I really like him though. Our group is more colorful because he was there. He is also full of imaginations and crazy creative ideas. I miss him, although everytime he came around, I pushed him back or aside, because I'm afraid he's gonna kiss me. haha. Well he did it also to every girl I guess ;) Adios Amiklos!

Roberta. My first macedonian friend. She got a cute nick name from Tijs: Robertini. She is really pretty, I admire her black sexy eyes and her hair! She is a good friend and good gossiping company :P If you want to know how precious is a hug, she made it :)
Roberta, Urska, Tijs, Me

Pavel/ Pasha. He comes from Moldavia. He is my first gay friend. At first I was shocked, because he is so opened to say "I'm a gay, so I know something like that better". But I really admire him and his self-confident. He is just the was he is. No lies stay behind it. I love the way he talks, the way he thinks. He has his own perspectives which can open your mind. I love it when he called me "Sweetie" then gave a forehead kiss. I love it the way he tried to get Tijs as his gay partner. Hahaha. I thought he was serious (I really don't want to see him sad because Tijs is not a gay, as simple as that), but he was just joking ;) I miss him.

Above: Valerie, Roberta, Urska, Pavel, Miklos
Under: Özlem, Tijs, Me :) Photo by: Roberta

Alice Aceto. The second italian in our group. I admire her a lot, a lot!!! She was the one who has an awesome inner beauty. I envy that. She came up always with creative ideas for the group activities. She has been really active, friendly, helpful and positive. She is also a good leader in our group. Once she made the karate workshop and theater workshop and those were awesome, the kids loved it! She was really care about the other, and she slept in my room when Rianne was gone :') I really appreciated it.

Aoife. The name looks complicated, but you just have to pronounce it as simple as Eva. Amazing. She is an Irish. I love her accent so much. She is going to be 26 by December. For me she just fits her age. Mature, patient and so motherly (mmm, I don't know if this word exists), if you saw how she treated Gary. If I'm a man, I would like to have Aoife as my wife ;)

Nori. Another pretty hungarian girl ;) She is so cute and small. But she can use the pretty high bike (I'm wondering really). I admire her sincerity. I can't forget that she came once in the TV-room with a vacuum cleaner when we were watching olympic games. She said, "I'm so sorry but I'm stressed, so I have to clean something" :O Unique, an extraordinary way to get out of stress.

Gala. This spanish woman is a primadona in the kitchen! She helped everybody with cooking and everytime she cooked, she got a standing applause :-D She is a lawyer, so be kind! and she can bike so fast even with a big bike, dress, high heels! Mamma mia!

From left to the right: Aoife, Alice, Nori, Gala, Me :) Taken with Andy's camera.

Lucie. This cute czech girl is about my size. She has ginger hairs, and she is really proud of it. She is going to be a teacher in Czech :) I believe she's gonna be a great one! Friendly, sincere, dance freaks. I love her!!

Above: Wouter, Sander
Under:Lucie, Rianne, Nick,Tijs, Raili, Miklos, Robbert

Hildur. Amazing fact that this iceland girl speaks better english when she got drunk. :O But I like her, she is the one who I really saw making a great progression for herself. I think, she enjoyed her time a lot in Don Bosco!

Jorinde/Jojo. German girl! She saved me from forgetting german. I talked with her in german most of the time. She is pretty unique in her own way, vegetarian and barefoot. She reminded me of a film produced and starred by Til Schweiger "Barfuß". I hope she wears her sandals more often in India, it's damn hot there I guess.

From left to right: Lucie, Alice, Leonie, Özlem, Tijs, Stepan, Miklos, Pasha, Jojo, Joshua

Bergmann. an iceland guy with texican accent. He slept a lot, and I knew that his roommates sometimes complained about the fact that he snored. He was my secret friend. He loves music and travelling, that was what he wrote on the paper. I had no idea what to give, so at first I gave him discount cards for the madame tussauds (which he didn't use, although he was all the time in Amsterdam just walking around in front of madame tussauds -.-), sausage pastry, and  plaster (at the revealing of secret friend he saw me proudly that he used the plaster a lot, haha, funny him). Ow one more thing, he is a good cook!)

Urska. Maria Madonna! I pitted the leg of this slovenian woman at Zuidstrand at the team building day. She can't stop eating something offered, maybe that's why she is as big as I was. Funny knowing the fact that she still remember this pitting-game (and I almost forgot) and she gave me a nickname written on my arabian pass: little warior :)   She is so friendly, confident (I always admire big person who has a good self-confident). She smiles a lot, has always good mood and can make good friendship with everybody.

Khatia & Avto. These georgian were also in our age group. They have been in a relationship for three years. And they got married finally at the end of August! Congratulation both of you :)

These are the other EVSer: Adin, Fatima, Adam, Raili,  Leonie, Gary, Matteo, Melanie, Joshua, Valerie, Blazka, Pedro, Daniel, Özlem, Mehmet, Paulina, Martijn. Sorry guys, at the moment I couldn't write anymore :( I'll try to add some more, if I have the mood.